Right now, you're waiting review in
http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Travel/Tour_Operators which looks like a better place.
Admitted, the site didn't look like an affiliate to me (but that's only one of the spam-submittal checks we have to do. and no submittals were deleted for that reason anyway.)
The site has been shotgun-submitted, and at least one possibly valid submittal may have been deleted just because an editor got trigger-happy at whack-a-mole. (That potential error has been undone.) Another attempt at review failed when the site killed a browser (also, the site layout is downright hostile to anyone that doesn't have exactly the same window size and font size as the webdesigner did -- you might want to look at that.)
You do not need to submit again; check back here in six months, if you wish, to see about the status. (And in the meantime consider the webdesign advice: damaged layout nearly always won't prevent an ODP listing: but it will drive customers away and may delay the ODP listing.)