Gentlemen, it would be great to know submission status of
It has been submitted 6 months ago, but we still cannot find it in DMOZ directory.
Can you please provide the clickable link to the category where the site was submitted to. Details are contained with the "[readme]readme[/readme]" thread.
Your status request seems to have been overlooked - sorry about that. Your site is waiting for review in ; it will not be listed in that category since, as you may see, there are no sites listed on that level. Normally I would suggest that you resuggest to the most specific subcategory, but in this case I recommend that you don't, since your site has already been suggested to a number of different categories. The site will in time be reviewed. We can't predict when this will happen, but if you haven't seen it listed somewhere in the directory in 6 months' time you are welcome to ask for status again.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.