Just checking in to see if Federal Prison Camps.com has been reviewed yet and considered for inclusion in this directory? Thank you. http://www.federalprisoncamps.com
We'd love to help you, but we can't unless you tell us which category you submitted it to. Please give us a clickable link to the exact category in dmoz.org. Thanks!
Greetings it's been about 6 months since I first submitted this site and I was wondering if you could give me any status. It's really a terrifice site and the response I get from customers is quite moving at times. I appreciate anything you can do to get it looked at. Again thanks very much. http://www.federalprisoncamps.com
Come back in six months after the last status check--if it's not listed by then, some editors are always at work building the directory rather than chatting in forums, and the submittal was there waiting, last time we checked -- and we'll be happy to check again.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.