Submission status request for


Jun 28, 2004

Thank you so much for pointing out the FAQ. I see now that Shopping would be the wrong category for my site. - Teresa


Jun 28, 2004
Status request for

Please let me know the status of
Submitted May 27.

I'm pretty sure I submitted to this category:

I apologize for not writing down the category when I submitted. (I was so used to receiving confirmation e-mails after entering info like that ... I screwed up :()

If I ever submit again, I'll note the category and not have to bother you guys with indefinite information.

Thanks in advance for any help or information you can provide -


Jun 28, 2004
advice needed please

Hi editors,

Please advise on what to do next.

On May 27, I submitted to a category in the Open Directory. I failed to note the category - actually, I wrote down "Babies", but it turns out there are two baby categories at dmoz. (Now that I know you don't have automated submission confirmations, I'm noting everything carefully. Sorry!)

So, when I came back to check on the submission status, I thought I must have submitted to
(because most directories are listing my site in Shopping ...)

I asked for a status check, and one of your editors very kindly checked, did not find my submission, and gently suggested I read the FAQ. :)

So, I did. Clearly Shopping wouldn't be the best category, since my site simply provides information, no shopping cart or anything like that ... thankfully, I don't appear to have submitted to Shopping in the first place, since your editor did not find the site awaiting review.

However, I did submit a month ago, to some category. Since the kind editor did not find my submission, I think I must have submitted it to another category. The other "Babies" category I find in the Open Directory is
I haven't found another suitable category, so it's very likely that's where I submitted. I thought I'd ask the editor for that category for a status check. I placed a query in the general site submission forum, in the proper format, asking for a site submission status check.

That was yesterday morning ... I find now that my second status check request has been added to this thread back in Shopping. (Which is one place I know for certain my submission is not awaiting review, since your kind editor has already checked.) There's been no reply or activity on the thread; it's just been moved.

So, what's the right thing to do now? Is it possible that someone is going to reply, and I should just wait? Or, should I resubmit to

I hate to lose my place "in line" for review by resubmitting if I don't need to ... but if my site truly did get lost, and is not awaiting review anywhere, then I do need to resubmit.

I fear I have made a couple of errors here, and I hope it is still possible to find out if my site is already awaiting review in

Please advise ... (If I do need to resubmit, I promise not to need so much help next time!) ;)



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, the site's not waiting review in that category either: and don't submit it there unless you want to wait a long time just to be moved to an appropriate category where you can start waiting for an actual site review.

You have two possibilities:

(1) Let things ride. You think you submitted, and presumably you got the screen saying "thank you for your submittal bla bla bla." 99% of the time, that's all that you can do constructively. An editor will eventually review it, but we don't know when that might happen. And 1% or less of the time, it might be deleted accidentally -- and you'd never find out.

(2) Submit again, and write down the category this time. (That will move the site's position in the "submittal queue" for that category, if the editor views the sites by date submitted. But our editors usually don't review sites in the order submitted anyway.) Then wait a month and ask for a status in the forum here. An editor will tell you the status. You'll still be waiting an indefinite time for the actual review. But if you keep asking every six months until you can find the site listed (or until we tell you it's rejected), and if the site is one of the 1% or so that are improperly rejected, you'll know about it and can resubmit.

98+% of the time it really won't matter which you do. The site will get properly reviewed sometime, and that will be the end of the matter. Posting here almost certainly won't accelerate the review; resubmitting almost certainly won't delay it.

Your call.
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