Submission Status


Feb 24, 2005

Dear Alucard,

Thank-you for your prompt response.

May I take this time to clarify a few things about the mortgage industry?

We are Alberta Equity. (or more specifically The Canadian Equity Group) is our ‘brokerage’. is a team of mortgage agents in Calgary and area representing CanEquity.

There is only a handful of large ‘brokerages’ in Canada (INVIS, Mortgage Intelligence, Mortgage Centre, CanEquity, etc). Although our main company is listed, it really does not represent us.

It’s actually very similar to car manufacturers vs. car dealerships. We sell for CanEquity, but we are only one group of many mortgage agents representing CanEquity. We offer products specific to Alberta from lenders in Alberta. We are unique.

We thought rather than all of our agents here in Alberta running off, doing their own individual sites, much of what you’ll see in the category falls into, (I believe INVIS, Mortgage Intelligence, Mortgage Centre alone each have 5-10 sites listed in there) we believed that pooling together, creating one resourceful site to represent us would be better. Maybe it was a bad call.

I also know that our office in Ontario has lost their listing as well. ( Not a big concern for the brokers in Alberta, but still another blow against CanEquity.

Maybe if the main category under were broken down into 2 categories, there would be a better opportunity for individual agents (or group of agents in our case) to represent themselves.

1. Brokerages
2. Mortgage agents (the individuals)

I am the marketing director for CanEquity and have to explain to these brokers, plus to our board of directors, why their sites are not listed.. and here is some of the feedback I have received today after emailing them your reply:

[Carefully review the list of sites in the]

"Hi Daryl, its very disappointing to see our site does not meet OPD requirements when we compare it to what is currently there. Ie: Calgary Mortgage Agent does not have a site, Gecko Mortgage is no longer in business, Pro link is spamming, Kevin Suddaby (how many sites does INVIS get in??), Unisource has the exact site listed in the main [] category ...
BTW, the editor they have for that main category is a Mortgage broker for INVIS."

Alucard, your thoughts and guidance is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your response.

Daryl Maksymec
Marketing Director, CanEquity and CEO Sidepix Inc


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, I looked at the site, and ... information about CanEquity is obviously not relevant to our criteria (that is adequately and properly represented by the authoritative website). And, to say the least, it's not trivial for a surfer to find something on the site that is NOT just about canequity. If the site is supposed to be featuring your local agents, it's not succeeding.

This may be one of those very very rare cases where a site may be modified to meet the ODP "unique content" requirements -- perhaps something as little as making the individual agent information more prominent (so a visitor could find it easily within a minute or so) would do the trick.

If you're interested in doing something like this, resubmit when it's done ... then you may also bump this thread a month after the resubmittal.
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