Submission Status:


Mar 28, 2005
I’m not sure the proper protocol to ask, so I’m posting here.

I requested an update to a current listing, and only a portion of the request was completed. I have not received any type of email explaining why.

Will you please help me determine the status of the complete update request for:

DMOZ: found at:

Requested Change Submission: 26 Feb 2005

Requested Changes:
1. Change the description of the listing (completed)
2. Change the current categorization to: (not completed) - for the Car component of the site – for the Job component of the site – for the Real Estate component

3. If you cannot put in three categories, it was requested that would be more appropriate than the current location.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The editor considered the current placement was correct. And the idea of three separate listings is an absolute non-starter.


Mar 28, 2005
Thank you for the quick response.

I note that the DMOZ guidelines state an editor decision may be appealed. What is the process?

The original submission was submitted by our design firm, without knowledge of us. Well intentioned, but incorrect. We are simply trying to correct.

BuyLookSell, Inc. is a national company, and to classify it as only covering the corporate headquarters city is not a correct representation of business operations.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I STRONGLY recommend that, instead of calling attention to the editor mistake of listing a site so devoid of content, you focus your attention on finding content before the site is next reviewed.

I don't review sites based on posts here, but if I had come across the site in my normal ways, I'd have deleted it in a heartbeat. And it's not as if I'm not sympathetic to that kind of site -- in fact, I found my current auto via the web! Suppose you'd gotten an UNsympathetic reviewer?


Jan 23, 2003
Well, as a website directory, we have no interest whatsoever in providing a "correct representation of business operations." We list websites, and base our listings on the content of the website.

So, just for giggles, I went to your website. Saw that you are providing real esate listings of some sort. Thought I'd check my hometown, one of the fastest growing communities in Arizona with a real estate resale market that is totally on fire. Homes are selling in one or two days for more than they list. I figured you'd have a bunch of listing. What did you have? None. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

That is what we refer to as a "profound lack of content -- unique or otherwise."

You should probably be happy with the listing that you have.

Then I thought, "Wow, gunner, you are really being unkind here, give them another shot."

OK, so I went back to your site, and looked for jobs in Phoenix, AZ (7th largest city in the US, with an unemployment rate well below the national average). Used the keyword IT. What did you have? None. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

There goes that profound lack of unique content, again.

So now, rather than editing some poul souls site that has been waiting for three years in an obscure category, you had my curiosity up. "Is there," I wondered, "any content at all?" So back I went. I decided to look for any make or model used car in one of the major downtown Phoenix zip codes. I "just happened" to pick a zip code that is overflowing car dealers, just to give you a chance. And guess what I got? None. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

Rather than worrying about where you may or may not get listed in the directory (I could posit a very powerful argument that you should not be in the directory at all) you might want to spend some quality time working on the "content thing."
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