how comes i couldnt search for Eadetech Limited on dmoz.
Dmoz search is infrequently updated and somewhat unpredictable.
The best way to search for listed sites is to truncate the domain name to remove any subdomains and just search on that.
e.g. search on should bring up your site.
However the search database doesn't appear to have updated since 18 October, and your site was added in early December so it won't come up in a search yet.
When you do a search you can see at the bottom of the search output screen the last time the search database was updated.
As for google, as Jim said, we ain't google and can't help you there.
If i add my home address are you saying that i would then get listed.
Generally without a definitive local address you won't normally get listed in a Regional category. If you are uncomfortable listing your home address, making it very clear the business is located in Dagenham in your company profile would be a good step. Your homepage just says Essex a.t.m. which is a bit vague for regional localities listing purposes.