Submissions for SubDomains?


Aug 12, 2004
I have read a lot of forum posts about multiple links, etc...

The thing I keep reading from the editors that respond is as long as it has unique content it will be considered.

My question is this. What if someone had a network, with many subdomains. But the subdomains were seperated unique topics within themselves stemmed off of a larger topic which is the main domain.

For example:

Animals. com

and you had subdomains like:

birds.animals. com
snakes.animals. com
lions.animals. com

etc, etc, etc...

Would it be allowed that the Bird site could submit about birds in a bird cat, and the snakes submit in a snake cat. Since they are "Technically" seperate sites?

Or are they excluded because they are all part of a network tied to a single domain name?



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We would not "exclude" them. We would list the site in the most appropriate way.

The issue is not the "domain name". The issue is the site -- whether spread out over multiple subdomains, or multiple domain, or multiple directories.

The public is asked to submit a site exactly once.

I will point out that creating subdomains like rather than is your choice. But if you then SUBMIT those subdomains, we will assume you created subdomains with intent to deceitfully spam us, and you go right on our list of malicious spammers. This is, I believe, the only assumption that concords with the facts as we have experienced them -- so it is not subject to debate. It is only presented here as a warning.

And I know, some of these really stupid spamming ideas are so obvious that many people think of them independently, and then think they've come up with something new. But it's not new. We daily deal with dozens of malicious spammers doing this. And it's such an obvious ploy that it really doesn't work very well.

Therefore I can't believe there is some secret spammers' bulletin board that's telling everybody to "break your site up into subdomains to get more ODP listings." I think most people are simply ignorant of the world of spammers. But whether it's ignorant attempts to sneak past some hyperliteralistic interpretation of the "one site--one submittal rule" (which, by the way, is not the interpretation an editor would have used anyway) or whether it's part of some deep strategy by uberspammers, it's a red flag that spamming is taking place.


Aug 12, 2004

Well here is a little better clarification so I can make sure we don't get listed as "Spammers". Cause that would suck, and I am not trying to do that.

I am opening up a Game Network soon, which will focus on RPG/Strategy Games. Our subdomains will be broken down into sections such as:

Pen and Paper

And as you can see even though they are all part of the RPG category. They are such a LARGE "Subject" within themselves. Is the reason why we are creating subdomains so they can have their own identity and own unique things per subdomain.

If I was to try and break all that up by going .com/LARP/ .......
It would get ugly, and ugly pretty quick. IMHO.

BUT - if you think you guys would consider that spam, then I will just submit the main domain to you guys, only once. Although the domain name, is only going to be an automated hub of what the subdomains are doing for content.

Thanks for your time in answering my questions. I ask the questions now, so I don't waste even MORE time later.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Develop the site first. Too many people plan the "best xxx site ever", get all excited about the promotional opportunities, and start promoting -- and then forget to build it.

If you really build an "exceptional" site, the editors will consider deeplinking it -- possibly (though less likely) even if it's spread across subdomains.
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