Submit Site - Category Editor Gone Missing?


Apr 3, 2008
I have been trying to submit a site for about 8 months now into
Business: Employment: Job_Search

My Site is
<url removed>

The Category editor is:
dgarciamnz / D.Garcia

Now I don't want to be presumptuous and say my site is better then any of the other sites in that Category :rolleyes:
however I feel it is a nice site and I really would like to have it in the directory....

I know you guys sign-up for what is suppose to be 4 month terms
that you are suppose to have to renew to keep going but ....
the reason I ask has the category editor gone missing is because

even though they might not like my site (i could never understand that):eek:

There are a few sites on that page that are dead or got bought by other companies and are now turned off Was Bought and site is dead Site is not-get-to-able Site is not-get-to-able

Back in February I actually thought of applying to maintain a few of the directories that this Editor works on because they are what I consider pretty important to people.... Getting a Job

But I see that the sign-up for those categories are locked


I would really Really REALLY appreciate it if you could get someone to check that directory

and maybe approve my site :D

but either way shoot the editor an email and make sure they still care about the directory....

I care about DMoZ because its a lot better then Archie & Veronica
and My site actually has a Dmoz Directory on it

<url removed>



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
One of the problems with working with volunteers is that they're volunteers. We don't tell our editors to do anything; they spend as much or as little time as they wish doing what interests them within the bounds of their permissions. is too large for a new editor which is why the become an editor link has been removed. Its subcats aren't however. By all means apply to become an editor for one of those. Once you've learned some of the craft of editing, you'll be able to request further permissions.

Lastly, thanks for the information about those links. Because they were a QC issue, I've moved them out of the live directory for investigation.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
janpatterson said:
I know you guys sign-up for what is suppose to be 4 month terms
that you are suppose to have to renew to keep going but ....
That information is not quite correct. Editor accounts time-out (go inactive) if the editor doesn't log at least one measurable edit in 4 months. It's not a 4 month term, many of us have been editing for a few years. ;)

To touch on another question, just because an editor hasn't edited in one particular category, it doesn't mean they have gone in missing. It just means they have not been interested in volunteering their time in that category lately. Just because an editor has their name on the bottom of a category or a dozen categories, doesn't mean that they are currently actively editing there. It also doesn't prevent any other editor with permissions to edit there from doing so.


Apr 3, 2008
Thanks for your quick replys

You guys do good work and it often goes un-thanked

Search engines have their place
but directories help us find things without having to page through search engine results

thanks again
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