Submit Submit Submit!


Aug 3, 2006
Hey anybody!

I was tasked the job of submissions for 4 of our websites, and was told that dmoz was very important to be listed in. Ive been submitting our websites for quite some time now and am just wondering if I've done something wrong?

-Steph.Coast :eek:


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Well for starters I would suggest reading the submission guidelines which you were asked to read prior to submitting your sites. One problem I can see is ocurring from your post:
Steph.Coast said:
Ive been submitting our websites for quite some time now
Please stop. If you have submitted your site once that is all that is required. Multiple submissions at best will slow a review time down and worst cause the site to be labled as spam and permanetly rejected for listing.

Steph.Coast said:
I was tasked the job of submissions for 4 of our websites
In most cases 4 related sites are not going to be considered. We will consider the one main site for the company and any affiliate or related sites will not be listable.

Beyond the above, once a site is suggested that is all you can do. It is in the hands of volunteer editors who eventually (no way of prediciting when or how long) review the suggestion and decide if it meets the Guidelines to be listed.

Hope that helps.
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