Submit to 2 cats: same co., different product, URL



I have submitted a site for review and received a reply that I am pleased with (it is waiting for review and to check back). I have read the Submission Policies and Instructions but still have a question about whether or not a company can submit a second site with a different URL, different trademark and unique content that expands upon a brief description in the first site. The only overlapping content would be a link and a brief product description in the original Web site's Solutions Section/Case Studies (to help with link popularity and search engine ranking). The scenario: say that my client's Web site CRC web page is accepted for the category Business: Industrial Goods and Services: Packaging: Containers and this client also produces aircraft maintenance stands. I'd like to submit to the category for Business: Transportation and Logistics: Aviation: Ground Support: Equipment. We are planning to keep the second site design and navigation the same (to save the client money). The target audience looking for containers would be different than those looking for aircraft maintenance stands. Does this make it a mirror site if the content differs? Is this allowed?

Many thanks for all of the volunteer editor's work on DMOZ. I hope my posting is clear and that I submitted it to the correct forum.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Companies can sometimes have multiple listings -- Ford Aerospace and Ford Farm Equipment, for instance, can't really be put in the same category, while Joe's Bakery and Garage would -- it fits nicely in the infamous Podunk, New Jersey Business category.

For the submitter, the guidelines say, "only submit a site to the one most appropriate category, and do not submit related sites." It is an editor judgment; it is the rare exception for a business sites to get listed in two industry categories.

In your favor are the fact that the two categories are VERY different, that the content in each one is very unique (unique services from unique service provider, a manufacturer; products -- custom! -- available nowhere else; ), that there is significant content on each site (not just one or two products). This makes the site much more like Ford than like, say, "Sammy Spammy's Candle and Klitchworld" (which sells two candles and one ugly piece of crockery, all available at dozens of other sites).

I'm not a heavy business editor, but in this case I wouldn't call a second submittal spam.

However, it would be better to submit the same (main business) site to both categories. A "vanity subdomain for single product line" site might get deleted out of hand for being a vanity subdomain. Those categories prefer to list companies, not product lines.
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