Submit to multiple catagories?



I have a website that is sorted by region, such as North America, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, Mid-East, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Can I and should I submit to he proper catagory for each regional directory area, such as Top: Regional: Africa: Transportation

for a site which provides information about African Airports and Airlines?

I am already listed in the Top: Business: Transportation and Logistics: Aviation: Airports for my index page.

I see that not many of these directory areas, (the regional transportation - air - airports) contain little to no content. Most only contain one site.

I certainly don't want to "spam" the ODP, but i think inclusion of my regional pages ( for example would be beneficial to have listed in these areas.

Any thoughts - comments - concerns?
What is the maximum amount of listings one can have in the DMOZ?



I was just wondering if DMOZ has a policy on how many time a site CAN be listed, not who the top linked sites are.

like most others I think content is a good thing, and if an area that is lacking content might get some content, I think that is good for the users.

Since looking through most of these regional areas, and seeing that most have less than 3 or even 0 listings, I would think it would be beneficial for users who go to that area have some sort of content to look at.

I certainly would not want to get removed from my other listing I already have. I think my site is a good resource for users who are wanting to know more about the information on my pages, and I would certainly love to have it accessable by more people in more relevant areas of DMOZ. Any link from any of these deeper catagories would certainly be very relevent and specific content based on that region. I wouldnt submit my main page to each individual regional area, but I would submit the index of the section that has to do with that region. You think this is a bad idea? will it get me removed? This not a money making site, so im not looking for profit, but for listings in areas where it is most appropiate.

Thanks for the feedback!


All he said was that deeplink were pretty thin, and not always unique. And no, I don't always agree that deeplinks in various catagories are not unique, I think lots of instances exist where deep links into specific regional areas of a site would benefit that category.

Why is the DMOZ against filling in blank catagories? It looks very amateurish for a whole major section to be blank....

Why do these catagories exist for if they are empty, and people are discouraged from even submiting to them?

I will certainly sit tight with my posting I already have, but I would be curious as to why people are discouraged for posting to regional areas for sites which contain usefull regional info (especially without even looking at the site first!)

Take Care
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