Submited my site?


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Because your submission was only a suggestion. The public suggestions are not automatically added, but instead form a list of sites that editors can use as a source of new sites to add when they do some work on the category.

Public suggestions aren't the only source of new sites, and adding new sites isn't the only thing that the volunteer editors need to to to build and maintain the directory. Before your site can be added, an editor much choose to do some work in your category, choose to look at the pile of waiting sites, choose to review your particular site, ensure that it does indeed meet our site selection criteria, belongs in the category, and if necessary rewrite the title and descriptions to meet our editing style guidelines.

Obviously all this can take some time. Due to the volunteer nature of things, and the fact that editors are free to set their own priorities, we're unable to offer any estimates of when a particular site might be reviewed and added. It be as quickly as a few days after it was suggested, it might be as much a few years.

See also the recent DMOZ Blog post: Why Hasn't My Site Been Accepted Into DMOZ?


Oct 4, 2007
It must be frustrating for the editors to keep seeing these requests for an update on a submission, when this forum is clearly NOT supposed to be for that purpose.

When I first came to these boards, I used to look at the editors responses and think... "gee, that was a little harsh."

Then, after reading the Nth request for the exact same thing that the last person was told could not be provided, I can now understand why editors get a bit testy with these requests.

Come on people... stop this insanity!!!

After all, every time someone stops by here to ask "I submitted my site, can you please tell me if / when / how it will be accepted" an editor, who should be able to dedicate their time to improving their category, has to take time out to answer the exact same question, yet again.


Curlie Meta
Sep 5, 2007
homebody said:
After all, every time someone stops by here to ask "I submitted my site, can you please tell me if / when / how it will be accepted" an editor, who should be able to dedicate their time to improving their category, has to take time out to answer the exact same question, yet again.

Sounds like a fair comment to me but the only thing I would say is that not all editors come across to this forum just a few. I do come here as I do hope to be of help to some folk but as you rightly sat there is no helping some :):):)


Jan 15, 2007
homebody said:
It must be frustrating for the editors to keep seeing these requests for an update on a submission, when this forum is clearly NOT supposed to be for that purpose.

Very true, but then its also frustrating for those who have in the past recieved emails and PMs from those moderators telling them how to get listed in the directory (by submitting using the correct method on dmoz).

Dmoz is a great site, ive used it for a long time, however ive noticed that the catagories im interested havnt been updated for along time now, surely theres got to be a mod out there who will update the religious message boards catagory, if a page dosnt get updated now and again people will get bored of it.

By the way, I dont want to get into dmoz because of its hits from google etc, in the 3 years ive waited to get onto dmoz ive got my pages listed on google, and have grown to over 1300 members, however Dmoz has been a favourite of mine, and I would see it more as an honor to be listed on Dmoz. I hope a moderator will take what I have said into consideration.

Thank you.


Nov 7, 2006
With roughly I guess around 600,000 categories, it's a little hard to keep on top of them all, if there are no editors who are interested in working in a specific category. We do accept new editors though, ;), if you have an interest in that area.
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