Submitted a Site but nothing seem to happen three week.


Aug 27, 2009
I submitted a link [URL Removed] three weeks ago and i'm pretty sure I submitted it under the right caterogy because similiar site is also listed there. I know you it could take long time to get it posted, but i'm left in the blue with no confirmation of my submission and no status. I mean it is agonizing not to have any feedback for so long. I don't what to do or what happen to it. I dont know if it is even submitted or already been deny. If it is deny, I want to know is really a pain to wait in silence. Please let me know what should i do? resubmit?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Follow the submittal policy. There's feedback, and no need for it: if a site is listable, one suggestion is enough. If a site is not listable, why would a volunteer want to waste time critiqueing it?

Don't start looking for volunteers to give you free help--you cannot know if any of them share your interests. Work the other way around: find people who share your interests, and ... first help them (or work together). You'd be amazed how much more EVERYBODY gets done, working that way.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
You received feedback the moment you suggested the website. It was on your screen.

There is no oprion to check for the status of your suggestion.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
When you suggested your website, the final screen of the transaction said:
Submission Received

Your site submission has been received.

An editor will review your submission for inclusion in the directory.

Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule.

Consider becoming an editor and maintaining a category. The Open Directory has a comprehensive set of tools for adding, deleting, and updating links in seconds. For just a few minutes of your time you can help make the Web a better place, and be recognized as an expert on your chosen topic.
Did you need more than that?


Aug 27, 2009
I understand what all you folks are saying, but without the status of my submission how should i know if anything goes wrong........Maybe it got deny...if so i want to know why.......I dont see any problem with my site compare to other similar site who is listed.........So if my site is successfully submitted the it will indicate so on the page right after submission right? that i got......Without status i dont what should i do??? I appreciaute you folks help......I'm just new and lost here.........So resubmitting would be consider as spam right??


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
So if my site is successfully submitted the it will indicate so on the page right after submission right?

The submission page will tell you if the site was successfully suggested.

But the site is not added to the directory until someone reviews your suggestion.

Without status i dont what should i do?

You don't need a status to follow the submittal policy.

I don't EVER say "just wait." I say "be busy finding people who share your interests, and working on what's important to you."


Aug 27, 2009
10 am i suppose to do that? where do i find them? I dont really get it???? do u mean i need to find editors who is willing to review it? So sorry for my all annoyance i gave you folks......


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
I don't think that hutcheson means finding editors. I believe that he means for you to just go on living your life with your friends and interests.

By suggesting your site, you've done all that you can. Contacting editors doesn't speed things up, editors have been harassed when replying to site suggestors, so replying isn't encouraged. I'm not saying that you would harass anyone.

We aren't a listing service, we're a group of volunteers building a directory. So there is no way to know when someone will look at your site. It could easily be months or years And resuggesting isn't necessary and can have negative consequences. A suggestion doesn't expire, so it will be there until someone reviews it.

Just promote your site elsewhere in ways that you would if ODP didn't exist. That's the best thing that you can do for it.


Sep 27, 2009

I have had a retail site for 10 years.... after 9 years of trying to have my DMOZ updated (i stopped selling all of the things they have as a metatag for my site 9 years ago) I finally came to the conclusion.. they just dont care...

They say they have editors for all of the categories I have tried to become an editor for... yet....... 9 years without a response is a very long time for someone to respond to my emails or request for an update... i didnt think i was asking much.. I only asked like once every 2 years or so.....

I noticed JimNobles responses to people and im a little disturbed to how rude he is... either he's been moderating too long and tired of the same questions over and over or he's forgotten what it's like to be "new" to the internet... a lot of the questions people are asking here are valid questions...and just because "jim" has heard the questions a billion times... a lot of these people havent.. and there is a lot of material to read here... I'm appalled by most moderators "helpfulness" here... there is really no need to be rude to the people asking questions.... a simple link for them to find the answer would be most helpful instead of saying " hey.. go live your life and forget dmoz exists?" what kind of answer is that...


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
They say they have editors for all of the categories I have tried to become an editor for
I would say that it's quite unlikely that this is actually the case, or that you've been told that this is the reason. I'd suggest reading the rejection emails a little more carefully. The standard message you're referring to is probably that one that includes the phrase
Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is already well represented, or is broader than we typically assign to a new editor.
In the overwhelming majority of cases it's the second part of this that applies -- namely that the category is too large. The intent of the message is that you should choose a different category that's smaller.

Size may be measured in terms of the number of listed sites (the instructions suggest something up to around 100 is a good number) but may also be measured in terms of the number of suggested sites waiting to be reviewed. These numbers aren't available to the public, but you should be able to guess which sorts of categories will attract large numbers of suggestions. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, experience shows that it's not sensible to start new and inexperienced editors off in such categories. You should also remember that the object of the project is to build a useful directory, and public suggestions are just one possible source of new sites to add. We're not here simply to process those public suggestions, and editors are encouraged to find sites by other means too.


Apr 5, 2004
a simple link for them to find the answer would be most helpful
There is already one at the top of every page here: the FAQ, not to mention the public documents explaining everything about the directory, but it is truly surprising how many people do not read those resources, even when they are given the links directly. :rolleyes:
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