Submitted according to the guideline but not listed


Jun 8, 2005
Dear all,

I have submitted my site to the following category according to all the regarding guidelines after careful research on the twelve sites listed under the category:
Top: Business: Business Services: Communications: Translation: Single Language: English and Korean

My site hasn't been listed, and I cannot figure out why.

I don not see any unique content on these twelve listed sites.

Many of them are merely flier type of pages, and there is even webpage which consists of only one page.

I have been conducting research on this with my colleagues, and we are really puzzled.

Can anyone advise why?

Many thanks in advance.


Mar 25, 2002
surfinglight said:
My site hasn't been listed, and I cannot figure out why.
I would like to propose a rewording of the question: "My site hasn't been listed YET, and I cannot figure out why."

Can anyone advise why?
The most likely possibility is that the site has not yet been reviewed by an editor. A second one is that an editor looked at it and decided that it was not suitable for listing. A third is that an editor looked at it and decided it would be better off in a different category, and moved it to the unreviewed area of that category.

My money would be on #1....


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No. And that's definitely a "cannot" as in "logically unable to", not "able but unwilling"

Check out our FAQ for more information on how the ODP actually works -- I'm a bit baffled by what could pass under the name of "research" and yet not comprehend that.


Jun 8, 2005
Thank you for your kind advise.


Thanks for your kind advise.

Actually, I was looking for a real guideline.

I have read enough related documents.

There seems to be no real guideline on what type of site gets listed.

If you look under the category I submitted, you can find a website whcih consists of one flier page, few websites hosted under free hostings with sponsor ads shown, and the one not quite fit into the category also.

My site submitted was quite fit to the category("Englsih and Korean translation"), hosted under paid and quite reliable hosting company with no sponsor ads shown, and built upon very reliable content mangement system by a computer specialist with over 15 years of experience.

Further to that, the content was all written in English.

I have been trying to submit it many times(No Spamming) in different ways, and even tried with similar look and feels of already listed ones. I even submitted a flier page, which was almost same as the one listed.

I still cannot figure out why theirs are listed, and mine is not.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
That is right. You cannot figure it out. If it is because no editor has yet reviewed it, we cannot figure it out either. Because we don't know when or where editors will work, and we don't know why they worked where they did.

If you submitted a "flier" page and another URL for the same translater, that was spamming. However, I'd be happy to remove the "flier" page from the unreviewed queue (without prejudice, of course). Just PM me with the URL -- no need to mention it in public if you don't want to.
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