Submitted. But now I want to change category


May 11, 2004

I submitted the site to

I think I would like to move the submission to a sub-category:

The reason being: that it is probably a better category and there is an active editor there.

How can I change category?

Could you tell me how many submissions are waiting there? Only, I've been waiting a couple of months and don't want to go to the back of a long queue.

What do you think about moving? It is a more specific category. And with an active editor.

Thanks for any help


Apr 15, 2003
The reason being: that it is probably a better category

That's a reasonable reason for changing categories, but

and there is an active editor there.
That is a very bad reason to change categories.

The description for that category is This area is for sites about professional wedding consultants and co-ordinators that would be of interest and use to brides, grooms and others planning a wedding.

Do you really think the site belongs there?

[Yes I realize there are two "toastmaster" sites in that category, but I question whether they should be there]

Also see

You should never make decisions based on seeing an editor name, decisions like this are guaranteed to backfire.


Sep 11, 2003
How can I change category?

Could you tell me how many submissions are waiting there? Only, I've been waiting a couple of months and don't want to go to the back of a long queue.

What do you think about moving? It is a more specific category. And with an active editor.

I wouldn't worry to much about submitting to the incorrect category in this instance as I am sure if the editor feels that it is inappropriate he/she will move it down to the subcategory that they feel is more suited. Editors do not simply delete sites if they go to the wrong category instead they themselves try and locate the correct home.

As for the 'queue'... there isn't one in the sense that you may think. Instead of a queue there is a 'pile' which the editor can sort through in any way that they prefer so any indication of how long it may or may not take for a review is meaningless.

I think the best course of action by yourself is no action. You are welcome to return to your status thread at after 16th November to see if there is any update for you.

Hope this helps.


May 11, 2004
Thanks for your thoroughness BOBRAT.

LEER I'm not worried about the current category being inappropriate, it's just that I didn't want to wait until 16Nov if I can help it! You say there's no queue, but editors are aware of submission date no? So many may edit by date.

I don't know what I should do. Others reasons I'm entertaining:

The "new" category was last updated only yesterday, the "current" category was last updated two months ago. I fear that the editor may be dead. :p

Also: "Pushkin" only edits this sub-category. And I bet he reads really quickly too, what do think? :)

You're right in saying that the sub-category isn't right (though not wrong). It's just a bit too narrow. A toastmaster (my Dad) do many other things, not just weddings. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to be listed in a narrow category now, rather than wait and wait for the perfect listing...?

I think the most important thing is just to be listed. Most people probably find listings by google or dmoz searches not category rooting.

If I knew the lengths of the category submission queues I could make an informed decision.

Hit me..


Jul 19, 2002
If you submit it to the "new" category it will only be moved to the correct category which will only delay your site being listed.

The most important thing to the ODP editors is to list sites in the most appropriate category available. The whole point of creating a categorized directory of sites is to categorize them in the best possible category.

You are just going to have to wait for a review since your site has apparently been submitted to the correct topic.

Knowing how many sites are waiting for review will not help you since that isn't why you should submit to any given category. You submit a site to a category because it's the one best category to submit to.

BTW, editors will not give you any information on how many are waiting for review, They used to offer that information but it became obvious that the submitters became even more frustrated when their sites were not reviewed as soon as they had determined they should be according the amount of sites waiting.


Apr 15, 2003
I regret to see that you still not getting the point. We want sites to be in the right category based on their current content now, and not hope that later they will be moved to the right place. Granted, it does not always happen, but regarding your comments:

Nevertheless, I think it would be better to be listed in a narrow category now, rather than wait and wait for the perfect listing...?

No, from our point of view, it would be better not to be listed, than put in in the wrong category, where it becomes one more misfiled sites, that someone has to clean up later. [Yes, of course from your point of view any listing is better than none]

If I knew the lengths of the category submission queues I could make an informed decision.

Wrong, again, if you know the categroy "queues sizes", you would then choose the category with the smallest queue, hoping that the queue size actually made some difference.


I spend a large part of my editing time shuffling sites around, that have been submitted to the wrong category. Obviously, in many cases they submit to one of the categories where I am named as editor, and I then push them back down to the correct sub-category. I tend to then leave them till later, and deal with the ones that were submitted to the correct category in the first place, so the effect is to delay getting listed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We aren't going to talk about how, where, when, or why "Pushkin" edits. One fundamental reason is that we really don't know. (Pushkin may have died three months ago, and not yet timed out.) Another fundamental reason is that Pushkin doesn't give up privacy and confidentiality rights just by becoming an editor. Editors can tell the public as much, or as little, about themselves as they wish. But we can't talk about each other.

Yet another fundamental reason is that while Pushkin may edit only there, there is not editable only by Pushkin. Hundreds of higher-level-category editors and editalls can (and incessantly do) edit in categories where they are not listed. I'm listed as editor in a couple of dozen categories. I've edited in several THOUSAND categories, and I am far from being the most active editall. Just to emphasize, chances are very high (perhaps 10 to 1) that any edit you investigate will have been done by someone NOT listed as editor for that category.

In short, we do not know know the information you ask for, and would have no right to divulge it. You, on the other hand, have no right to receive it, and no possible legitimate use for it: and finally, the information itself is so unrelated to historical reality that there is actually no use for it at all. If you want to make predictions about wait times, Dungeon Dice or Tarot Cards are just as good as historical editor information.


May 11, 2004
Thanks all. I'll leave my site suggestion where it is.

PS: It is the first and only site that I've built. I coded it myself, having realised that my editor -Net Objects- created terrible code. I hope you liked the site.

End of Thread
Philip :penguin:
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