Submitted my site in DMOZ


I submitted my site on DOMZ yesterday, and they told me to wait for few days till there editor review my website, what you people say that how much time does they take to review or submit one site and as my site is web directory will they accept it or not?
Another thing is that when all want to submit there site in DMOZ as it seems to be a reputated directory then why dont this people charge to submit sites?


Nov 7, 2006
When you submit a site to the ODP, it is not a request (as we are not a listing service), it is a suggestion to us. If we feel the suggestion will be of value to the web surfer looking for specific information, we'll include it, if we don't then we won't.

A review could take anywhere from several days to several years, as we are volunteers with various amounts of free time to spend on editing, and we also only edit in certain areas that we're interested in.

We do list other directories, yes.

Another thing is that when all want to submit there site in DMOZ as it seems to be a reputated directory then why dont this people charge to submit sites?

Charging wouldn't make the process any faster. There are many suggestions and only a certain number of editors to consider them. Thank you for the site suggestion, we appreciate it, :).
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