submitted site unlisted - is it personal?


May 16, 2006
Hi, folks,

With a day job in Internet marketing, I've been submitting sites to the ODP for a while now, and have usually had good results getting the sites listed in appropriate categories, so thanks in general to the editor community for your hard (volunteer) work. Let me say that I have already read the FAQ and understand that it can take up to 2 years for a site review, but my experience in the past has been that sites have been listed much quicker than that. About a year ago, my partner and I launched a new movie review and home theater web site called "Big Picture Big Sound" and I've tried submitting this to two categories:

* Consumer Information: Electronics: Home Theater (submitted the main URL here because it is primarily a home theater site)
* Arts: Movies: Reviews (submitted the movie reviews sub-category page here because this seemed the most appropriate fit for movie reviews).

I won't clutter up this post with the exact wording of my submissions, but I think they were pretty well-written and hype-free. I've seen both categories updated multiple times (at least the "last updated" date has changed frequently), and I have re-submitted a few times as well, as a "reminder" that we're still building unique content on the site and enhancing it over time. But at this point, I'm wondering if the failure to add the site is "personal" in some way.

The editor of the movie reviews category does have his own movie review site listed in the category, but for some reason has chosen not to add our site. And most recently, I see that *both* categories (home theater and movie reviews) have the exact same "last updated" date so I'm guessing (yes, this is pure speculation on my part) that he may have gone into both categories and deleted or denied our submission. Have I annoyed this editor by trying to submit the site 5 or 6 times over the course of a year? Is there any kind of appeal process to have someone else look at the site?

I did contact one editor (different category) who told me that there was a back-log of 25 sites submitted to the Home Theater category about 6 months ago, but it seems to me that someone has probably looked at our submission by now, and chosen not to include the site.

I know there are no guarantees on site inclusion, that every category is different in its timelines for review/inclusion, but I do feel that the site would make a valuable addition to the home theater and movie reviews categories (yeah I know, biased opinion), so I just want to make sure I haven't done anything to offend anyone.

I'm also willing to help, and I've applied to become an editor in a couple of different categories (including the home theater category) but have not yet been accepted. I'm guessing that my day job in internet marketing or my specific affiliation with a few content sites (most of which are already in the directory, but some of which are not), might have stood in the way of acceptance.

Any thoughts or feedback anyone?




Jan 21, 2003
Please read all the other threads in this forum concerning assumed editor corruption and you will find all the answers you need. The short version is following:
1. There is a system to report abuse suspect
2. A category is never "owned" by an editor, there are always several editors who have the right to edit in a category.
3. Updates of certain categories can be initiated also by several automatic processes and not necessarily by a human. So update date of the public site is a bad indicator for editing work.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
And most recently, I see that *both* categories (home theater and movie reviews) have the exact same "last updated" date so I'm guessing (yes, this is pure speculation on my part) that he may have gone into both categories and deleted or denied our submission.
Deleting a site from unreviewed would not change the updated date.

There *is* a public abuse reporting system but keep in mind that the usual answer to "Why hasn't my site been listed yet?" is simply "No one has gotten around to reviewing it yet."


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might like to re-read our submission guidelines at which require you to suggest a website to the one best category. You acknowledged that you'd read and agreed them on each occasion that you made a listing suggestion.

We only list deeplinks under exceptional circumstances and at our option, not yours. They should never be suggested by the site owner. In the main, we believe that a website's internal navigation is the webmaster's responsibility, not ours :) .


May 16, 2006
Sachti said:
Please read all the other threads in this forum concerning assumed editor corruption and you will find all the answers you need. The short version is following:
1. There is a system to report abuse suspect

I tried. I got bogged down in a thread initiated by timamie261 who seems to have a tenuous grasp on his communication skills, but tells fascinating tales of frolicking on boats with Irish and Russians (is this the set-up to a joke?).

Could you possibly detail the process for reporting abuse?




May 16, 2006
jimnoble]You might like to re-read our submission guidelines at [url][/url said:
which require you to suggest a website to the one best category. You acknowledged that you'd read and agreed them on each occasion that you made a listing suggestion.
Thanks for your reply. I have read and (I thought) understood these terms multiple times over the past few years. My understanding of the terms was that it was not kosher to submit duplicate content (e.g., multiple domain names with the same content) into multiple categories for additional exposure. Although there is some overlapping content on the home page and in the movie review category, I feel the deep link to the movies sub-category is the best fit for the movie reviews DMOZ category, hence my submission there.

I had originally submitted just our home theater category page to the DMOZ home theater category so there would have been zero overlap between the two, but after waiting for several months with no word on that submission, another editor I had been corresponding with suggested submitting the main home page to the home theater category so I did that. At this point, I'd be thrilled with either submission being accepted.

jimnoble said:
We only list deeplinks under exceptional circumstances and at our option, not yours. They should never be suggested by the site owner. In the main, we believe that a website's internal navigation is the webmaster's responsibility, not ours :) .
But by this token, "New York Times: Movie Reviews" (specialized content on a broader site) would be an exception, right? In the "Movie Reviews" category, at least 16 of the listed sites (roughly 10%) are links to specific sub-category pages, not to home pages:

Aggressive-Voice: Movie Reviews
Bright Lights Film Journal: Reviews
Drunken Fist: Movies
Gerald Peary - Film Reviews
Greenwich Village Gazzette: Movie Reviews Movie Reviews
Houston Press Online: Film
IGN FilmForce: Reviews
Into Liquid Sky: Movie Reviews
Joe Does the Movies
Lights Out Entertainment: Movie Reviews
MediaCircus: Movie Reviews Reviews
The New York Times: Movies Movie Reviews Movie Reviews

I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination comparing the value of our site to the NY Times, but only using it as an example. We're a home theater site which also includes an active film review category with several new movie reviews every week and a repository of over 450 reviews - all original content, not available elsewhere on the Web.

I really hope it's just a question of the editor being too busy to get to it, but after a year and with many updates to the categories in the meantime, I'm getting less optimistic.

Thanks for your time,



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>But by this token, "New York Times: Movie Reviews" (specialized content on a broader site) would be an exception, right?

Yes, the New York Times would definitely be considered an exceptional site for content in the form of movie reviews.

And, if you think about it, it's not too surprising that a large number of large media sites (with their whole stables-full of professional review writers) have exceptionally large collections of movie reviews, compared to the personal-proprietor sites.

Not too surprising? It's downright predictable.


May 16, 2006
hutcheson said:
... a large number of large media sites (with their whole stables-full of professional review writers)...
Alas, our stables currently only include 3 regular movie review contributors and 4 regular home theater contributors, but we've plenty of room for more - we'll just make more hay! :)




Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
How to report abuse

Could you possibly detail the process for reporting abuse?
  1. Go to the category where the abuse allegedly occurred.
  2. Click on the report abuse/spam link towards the top right.
  3. Fill out the form.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.