Submitting a site accidentally more than once


Jun 5, 2009
When we started our new site we were not very familiar with web directories and web site optimization techniques. We are a small group of developers who try to transfer a nice idea into a good web site. At the beginning (about 1 year ago) when we first published our site, one of us found out about dmoz and submitted the site without reading carefully the guidelines (this is the more enthusiastic one of us :D). A couple months later I submitted the site again (without knowing that the site was already submitted). But unfortunately I thought that a few months without any response mean the site has been rejected. So we started optimizing the site according some known quality rules of dmoz and submitted the site again (…oups sorry :eek:). In the meantime we have much more experience and are much more familiar with the rules of dmoz. So I was wondering if multiple submissions could have hurt our site :rolleyes:.

Thanks for reading this thread


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Suggesting a site twice is even allowed by the submittal policies. Real spammers don't stop there: suggesting once a week for a year, or suggesting dozens of separate but related URLs on the same day, are common. (vicious, antisocial, malicious, and contemptible--but common.)

Three times won't get you arrested--like driving 1 km over the speed limit when gangs are hot-rodding the next block over.


Jun 5, 2009
Thanks ...

hutcheson said:
Suggesting a site twice is even allowed by the submittal policies. Real spammers don't stop there: suggesting once a week for a year, or suggesting dozens of separate but related URLs on the same day, are common. (vicious, antisocial, malicious, and contemptible--but common.)

Three times won't get you arrested--like driving 1 km over the speed limit when gangs are hot-rodding the next block over.

Thanks a lot hutcheson for your response.

Kind Regards,
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