submitting different pages


Oct 13, 2003
saw this post in jimworld, thought i'd get the answer for him from here

can anyone tell me if you are allowed to submit several (maybe 4 or 5 pages) from one website to ODP? They are all for different sections of a website and hence have different content. I hesitate to submit more than 1 for fear of being eliminated. They would all be submitted to different categories also.

In general, no.

Listing multiple sections of a site* are usually only done if the sections are unrelated or offer exceptional content.

If your site has 200 pages on Shakespeare, 10 pages of ukrainian recipes, and a single page about your experience with the afterlife, all 3 might be listed in the disparate categories.

If it has 10 pages on apples, 10 on peaches, and 10 on bananas, it would probably be listed once in Fruit, rather than once each in Fruit/Apples , Fruit/Peaches , and Fruit/Bananas. If the majority of the site was about Bananas, and there was minimal information on apples and Peaches it might be only listed once in Fruit/Bananas.

There is just no easy, hard and fast rule to this. It depends on what is on the site when it is reviewed.

Each editor interprets the guidelines slightly differently, so an extremely borderline site may be listed one way by one editor, and not by another, but most sites fall on one side of the listing guidelines or the other.

All I can tell you is that repeatedly suggesting deeplinks of the site will not only annoy editors, but may end up giving your site a bad record as a spammer.

Basically avoid suggesting sections of the site, try to find the higher level category that spans all the content.

Any help?

* a site for odp purposes is a companies web presence, whether split over sub pages, sub domains, or even several seperate domains. Thats a design decision.


Mar 25, 2002
You should generally follow the guidelines about deeplinking

Deeplinking is the process of adding links to sub-pages and sub-domains within a site.

General Rule: In the vast majority of categories and branches, deeplinking is the exception rather than the rule. Deeplinks should offer content that is unique and extremely useful to a particular category. There are no strict rules regarding the type of site that should or should not be deeplinked. Providing deeplinks, in a uniform way, to sites that offer extremely useful and unique content can add value to the directory in a few cases (e.g. categories with very limited content, and where the meat of the available web content is typically buried within larger sites). However, editors should be very judicious when adding deeplinks of a particular URL. If you are uncertain about adding deeplinks, ask an experienced editor, such as a meta or an editall, for advice or guidance. Ultimately, all deeplinking decisions are subject to staff approval.
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