submitting different parts of the site


Nov 19, 2004
I have a site about widgets.

Part of the site is about Widgets - A and another part is about widgets - B
but these are very different as different as 2 movies. Should I submit
to the site widgets section, or widgets A and B.

I ask this question because I notice IMDB is linked from dmoz mutliple times. Aren't all sites equal on DMOZ ?


Jun 15, 2003
Best to review the guidelines for suggesting a site:

As it says, Identify the single best category for your site. If there are other best categories for your site, the editors may list the site more than once. But preempting their decision is likely to cause all your suggestions to be deleted.


Jan 23, 2003
Aren't all sites equal on DMOZ ?

What a wonderful question. :D

No, websites are not equal on DMOZ, and I would hate to think that we are giving that impression.

We refuse to list many types of sites, some of which might even have a legitimate business purpose.

We have a collective tendency to give additional listings to non-commercial authority sites. The tendency is less pronounced if the site is commerical.

We give extra listngs to sites that are legitimately translated into multiple languages.

Editors even have the ability to mark a given website as "cool" if we think it is heads and shoulders above the rest. (Note: we don't do that often, I think I've done it twice in 15,000 edits). You could fairly say that we celebrate unique content.

So no, we don't treat all website equally, what we have done of importance, is that we have set up a system where if Joe or Sally Nobody creates a content-rich website, has the same opportunity to be listed as a company atop the financal charts. We think that is a better approach.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Spectregunner mentioned several factors that are certainly relevant in this case, but overlooked perhaps one of the more relevant ones here: a site that in 1999 offered what was in 1999 unique content, may have in 1999 amassed deeplinks for something that is not in 2005 unique, and would perhaps not warrant any listings at all for a site reviewed for the first time in 2005. Not only that, but for two sites that ARE truly equal NOW (so equal that there is no point deeplinking both), it would not be surprising for the site which was present in 1999 to get the one deeplink based on its consistent reputation, and the other to not get a deeplink.

In other words, a site created in 2005 is very very unequal in reality from an identical site created in 1999, and that reality is very likely to be taken into account in the ODP editor's judgment.


Aug 11, 2004
cicru said:
Part of the site is about Widgets - A and another part is about widgets - B but these are very different as different as 2 movies. Should I submit to the site widgets section, or widgets A and B.

No. Only submit to what you believe to be the most appropriate category. An editor will determine if it should be moved to another category or deeplinked, which is not very common. We tend to only list a site once under the root URL.

Within the example you gave, the site would most likely just be put in the category that included the subcats widgets A and widgets B. Just like a site that was about 2 different movies would just go under Movies. In other words, there is usually a common factor or subject that the so called "different" content pages have making them not so different and would only justified one listing. :)
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