Submitting different products on same site




We have a basic questions before we submit our site. We are a software product company having multiple products on our site. Infact right now we are close to releasing our Second product. Our site is currently submitted under:
Computers: Software: Desktop Customization: Utilities: Screen Savers

The second product is a web analytics solution and needs to be placed under the category:
Computers: Software: Internet: Site Management: Log Analysis: Commercial

Our url:
Now here are my doubts:
1. Do we submit the same URL for both the category?
2. If not, how do we go about in listing in multiple categories?

Please advice.

To declutter this discussion, I swept out the posts which were here...

After a lot of private discussion amongst the meta-editors and our head editor, we came up with the answer below.
Currently, your site is only focused on the single screen savers product. Submit to the screen savers category. After you release your new product and create web content for it, ask your question again. Editors can't give advice about non-existent pages. Also, here are some guiding principles that might help:

The ODP has guidelines about listing specific product pages: - Sites devoted to the sales and distribution of a single product should be avoided if they are affiliate sites or if the site is merely a distributor for a manufacturer already listed in the Directory. The purpose of the ODP is not to replicate the individual listings of an online shopping catalog. However, individual product sites offering substantial information, tips, advice, and usage information for consumers are generally acceptable.
Whether an editor chooses to list separate product pages in their relevant categories or just the main URL (or all three) depends entirely on the content of your site. Sorry, but given that the scenario you present is not built out on your site, there is no way for an editor to give you a definitive answer. In any case, the editor will determine appropriate placement based on the focus of your site, as well as its quality and content.


thank you! Thats a much better reply. I appreciate your response.

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