Submitting for 9 months

Dear ODP,

I submitted our site over 9 months ago and unfotunately it is still not listed.

We design and manufacture swimwear and bikinis and I have been submitting our site to what appears to be the correct category which is: Shopping/Clothing/Swimwear/

I have followed your submission guidlines as instructed and even resubmitted with changes every few months but still haven't had any luck getting the site listed.

We have a great site and it would be very relevant to any person searching for swimwear and bikinis.

Can you please help by letting me know the status of my site and if I am doing something wrong.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,



Unfortunately, it looks to me like you just resubmitted, which overwrote the older submission and placed you at the end of a very long queue.

Please don't resubmit, as we have your site in a queue with over 200 others. We will get to it eventually, but you have just placed your site at the tail end of the queue when sorted by date.

[Added later...]
I found a submission in December of last year, so you are not quite at the end of the queue, but my recommendation would be to avoid resubmitting again.

Thank you very much for checking into this for me.

I obviously didn't know any better and I will stop resubmitting.

Also, I submitted when which is our main site wouldn't get added to the ODP. I figured that there might be something about the site which was causing it get rejected.

Do you think that having both URL's in the que will cause to get rejected and if so how can I go about removing

Thank you for your time I appreciate your help very much.

Best Regards,



More than likely the editor in the category will notice that the domain names are for one, and the same site. Whichever name appears on the site would get listed, and the other would just get a "Duplicate of .com" and get rejected. No worries though, eventually the editor in the category will drill down through the que and get to you. Please bear in mind there are no guarantees that the editor of the category in question will list either one.

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