submitting in different categories


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Mar 29, 2004
First of all, I apologize to anyone who I've already annoyed or inconvenienced in my ramblings through DMOZ. But here goes:
When I first submitted my site homepage, I looked around for quite a while and never found the best category. The site is my home garden page, which I'm fashioning to be a general-purpose reference on many plants. The best I could find was, because most of the plants in my database are perennials. Later (today, actually), browsing through the directory for a different purpose, I happened upon . I never considered my garden to be a "designed garden", that's why I didn't find the category - but now that I've found it, I think that's where my site should go. So I went ahead and submitted it there. Should I "unsubmit" from perennials? (Is there a way to do so?)
Also, I submitted my seed trading page (different URL) to (I found one of my trading partners' pages there). Is it okay to submit different parts of your website to different categories of the directory?
Pardon my ignorance - I appreciate your feedback.


Jan 23, 2003
Should I "unsubmit" from perennials? (Is there a way to do so?)

No, but that's OK, we haven't executed anyone in quite some time for only two submissions.

Also, I submitted my seed trading page (different URL) to (I found one of my trading partners' pages there). Is it okay to submit different parts of your website to different categories of the directory?

Sometimes. Usually a business is allowed consideration in one Topical and one Regional category, but in this case, you have inadvertantly spammed the directory because you have sumitted twice within topical cateogiries. That's still OK, just so long as you don't do any other submissions unless specifically told to do so by an editor on this forum. there are other exceptions to the "post to the single best category" rule, but they don't apply in your case.

In no less than one month, you may make a posting to the Site Submission Status section of this site, and ask for a status check. Be sure and read those posting rules before you post, since proper formatting of a request is an essential step in getting assistance.

Hope this helps.


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Mar 29, 2004
Thanks much for the quick response. I promise I'll pretend to be patient for at least a month now :)
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