Submitting my custom paint buisness


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I assume you mean "suggesting it to the Open Directory at" -- and I'll assume you've read the announcement on this forum telling you why you can't do it right now.

When suggestions are back (which will probably not be this year) browse down through Regional to your locality's "Business and Economy" subcategory and click on the "suggest a site" button. Give the site's URL, the business's name (or the name of the person offering professional services, as the case may be) as the site title. As the website description, give a very brief identification of the kind of business (aim for 3-5 words), and a brief description of the contents of the website (aim for 10-15 words). (More words are OK if necessary, but -- if you ever took a Marketing course, remember every single thing they told you to do, and DON'T DO ANY OF THEM!)

As always, since there are no schedules or deadlines or priorities globally imposed on the volunteers, we don't know when the site would be reviewed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.