Submitting Our Site?


Jan 3, 2007
We have been trying to get our site listed in the "dmoz" directory for about 2 years now.. How long does it take to get listed and what are the proper steps to take in getting listed? Is there a way to contact the editor in the "pet" related directory?

<URL removed>


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
There is no time frame for a listing, nor is there a guarantee that any site will be listed. Site suggestions are but one source editors use to find sites for building categories. Most everything a site submitter can do can be found in the How to suggest a site section.


Jan 3, 2007
How hard is it really to "Approve" a site? Say an editor has 100 sites, start at 1 and "Approve" or "Deny" it. Doesn't make sense why it should take years to get a site listed or more so getting an editor to approve your site?



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> We have been trying to get our site listed in the "dmoz" directory for about 2 years now.
I suspect you mean that you have been suggesting the site several time. While our guidelines clearly state "suggest a site only ONCE".

> How long does it take to get listed
Technicaly this is the wrong question.
To get a site listed takes only a few seconds. An editor hitting the button "list".
But before doing so the editor needs to review the website. Reviewing a website could take a few minutes but sometimes we take longer.
And before being reviewed a site needs to be found by the editor. How long this will take? Nobody knows.
I guess you wanted to ask how long does it take after a site is suggested before it will be reviwed. This is also something we don't know. Could be a few days, months or years. We realy don't know.

> and what are the proper steps to take in getting listed?
step 1) build a webiste (mandatory)
step 2) suggest the site (optional)
step 3) an editor will review the website (mandatory)

> Is there a way to contact the editor in the "pet" related directory?
Yes, there is a way to contact editors.
No, there is no reason to contact him/her.
No, contacting an editor will have no effect on the review process.
No, the editor will not answer your email.

<URL removed>[/QUOTE]


Jan 3, 2007
How hard is it really to "Approve" a site? Say an editor has 100 sites, start at 1 and "Approve" or "Deny" it. Doesn't make sense why it should take years to get a site listed or more so getting an editor to approve your site?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Say an editor has 100 sites

Why not tell the truth instead?

Every editor has the same number of sites -- 100 million, more or less. The trick is to find whichever of them are relevant to the topic he's working on.

So there's no "start at one" -- no, you want him starting at the most likely possibilities. The trick, again, is to guess which ones they are. And that gets back to the individual editor's judgment. We don't second-guess that.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
premierpet said:
How hard is it really to "Approve" a site? Say an editor has 100 sites, start at 1 and "Approve" or "Deny" it. Doesn't make sense why it should take years to get a site listed or more so getting an editor to approve your site?


OK, I'll try to explain what I as an editor must do to review a website

1) login to DMOZ
2) go to the category
3) select one of the waiting sites to be reviewed [at random or by some strange reason I feel to use at that moment]
4) open the website and look at all its content
5) if listable write or rewrite the title and description to meet our guidelines [most of the times this is neccessary]
return to step 3 or maybe to step 2 until I don't want to edit anymore

Reviewing and writing a description will easely take 5 to 10 minutes and many times even more. So I won't be reviewing many sites in 1 hour, and some of them will be not listable.

And now the real problem.
On day 1 I decided to review 5 websites before I went on doing something else (we do have a life outside DMOZ).
On day 2 I login again.
Am I going to work in the same category? Maybe.
I yes, will I process the "next" website waiting? Most probably not.
Reason: what is next. I never review sites on date they were suggested. Maybe I will review the 2 websites suggested today because they have descriptions that are very close to our guidlelines. Or maybe worse I found some websites myself and am going to list these, no suggested sites processes on that day at all.
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