Submitting site multiple times


Mar 13, 2007
I have submitted my site several times, I have contacted the editor who does not have issue with approving the site, and the editor says my submission is not showing up. I am correctly submitting the site in the correct category is there the possibility there is an issue with submissions in the category?

Submitting as Museum Exhibition Designer to:
Reference > Museums > Museum Resources > Exhibit Resources > Exhibit Design

From the listing editor:
"I checked the dmoz your submittal is not in the system (which may be a system glitch or someone deleted your submittal because it may not have been formatted properly. Please resubmit (format exactly how the instructions say)."


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is no need for the editor to ask you to suggest once more that he do what he is perfectly capable of doing without a suggestion.

And nobody should EVER delete a suggesion because "it was not formatted correctly."

I'd suggest there's a communication failure, but not in the system.


Jan 23, 2003
The important thing to remember here is that no one editor is in charge of a given category, even if their name is listed as the category editor.

There are more than 250 editors with directory wide editing permissions and and editor higher up in the directory tree can edit as well.

In all probability, one of two scenarios apply:

1. An editor looked at your suggestion and declined it because the website did not meet our guidelines. Even if an editor were faced with having to rewrite 100% of your suggestion, the format and content of your suggestion are irrelevant. It is the webiste that counts.

2. An editor looked at your suggestion and moved it to a more appropriate category without taking any action.

In either event, you are welcome to submit one more time to the single best category.


Mar 13, 2007
Listed in one, not showing up in one

I am not sure what is happening with my site submission. I have applied in two categories and have been listed in one. Both categories have the same editor. The editor who does not have an issue with approving my site has said my site is not showing for his review. It appears it is being removed prior to his review, even though he also reviews the submissions where I have been listed. Thoughts?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Point of clarification, you didnt apply for a listing you suggested a URL for a listing in two categories. Without going into specifics there are a number of reasons why a site wouldn't be listed in a second category. I am having trouble with 'the editor who doesn't have an issue with approving your site in the other category. This doesn't make any sense what-so-ever. If that editor thinks the site is listable in a category they can truly edit, then he can just add the site himself to unreviewed or list it if its listable there. He doesn't need to 'wait for it to show up'.

Are you completly sure this is a current editor you are communicating with? If the editor that 'added' the listing felt it was eligible for a second listing they most likely would have forwarded it for review (or listed it if they have permissions there as well).


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Our submission guidelines require that you suggest your website to the single best category.

Over a period of 9 weeks you suggested it to 3 different categories a total of 11 times. That's abusing our directory and its scarce volunteer resources. Be advised that you are now perilously close to being deemed a spammer. I urge you to be be satisfied with the listing that you already have and quit now.


Mar 13, 2007
Thank you for the clarification. Below is part of the the email I have received from the editor:

"I checked the dmoz your submittal is not in the system (which may be a system glitch or someone deleted your submittal because it may not have been formatted properly. Please resubmit (format exactly how the instructions say) and make sure you submit under the following:"

The same editor is responsible for both categories, the one where I am listed and the one "your submittal is not in the system". The editor is listed at the bottom of both categories and I have communicated with him through dmoz at both categories.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
That's fascinating but has nothing to do with your flouting of our submission guidelines. As I just said above:

I urge you to be be satisfied with the listing that you already have and quit now.

Please have the common sense not to ignore me.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
jimnoble is absolutely right. I just have this to add:

The editor you have communicated with is apparently fairly inexperienced: one of the first things we try to tell all new editors is not to wait for new site suggestions to show up, since processing suggestions from the outside isn't what we do. If an editor is aware of a listable site suitable for a category s/he has editing rights in, s/he should add it regardless of whether it has ever been suggested from the outside. In addition, a site suggestion would not be removed "because it may not have been formatted properly". Sites are almost never added with the title and description suggested from the outside anyway. These are things we all learn with time, and it's no big deal that a new editor may not be aware of them at first, but I wanted to make sure that you didn't walk away from here, at least, with incorrect information.
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