Submitting to a category without an editor


Oct 10, 2006

I have submitted to a category without an editor because this is the most specific category for me.

category: Computers: Software: Accounting: Construction

Does this mean my site is less likely to get listed because there is no editor?
Someone suggested moving up the list till i reached a category with an editor but i didn't see the point as it says to submit to the most relevant.

If anyone could shed any light on weather it will probably take longer to be reviewed i would appreciate it.




Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Your reasoning is absolutely correct. If you search for a category with a named editor, all you are likely to do is prolong your waiting time since your site would have to be moved around to a more specific category. Sometimes, when I find a mis-submitted site, I'll review it and list it immediately, but much more often I'll just sort it to the proper category for review.

In addition, that there is a listed editor in a category doesn't necessarily mean that that category sees more editor action than a category without a named editor. The editor might be much more active in another area of the directory, s/he may be about to time out or just not edit in that category for whatever reason. Meanwhile, the "editor-less" category may be the focus of interest for one or more editors who are not named there. And in any case, when an editor finds a site that belongs in the category, s/he is more likely to review it -- such is human nature. Thank you! {moz}


May 26, 2002
No category has "no editor".

Many categories have no "listed" editor.

Several hundred editors can edit anywere.

Editors higher up the category heirarchy can edit all categries below; in the same branch.


Oct 10, 2006
Thanks for the info.
I suppose its just a matter of waiting.

Cheers linds


Oct 11, 2006
The topic of this thread made me curious because I looked around the DMOZ and I didn't think there was a list of who the editors were for a particular category. I'm guess that editor data isn't available, at least publicly.. Am I wrong?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
You can find out wchich editors can edit a particular category, but it will take a bit of effort -- there is no list for each category.

Look at the bottom of the category page. For the sake of discussion, take . At the bottom of that page it says "Category editor: nea". So you know that nea can edit in that category. Move "up" to . At the bottom it says "Volunteer to edit this category." No new name to add to the list, then. Move "up" again, to . "Category editor: julies" Add julies to the list of editors who can edit Games/.../Mornington_Crescent/. One level up -- no named editors (and at this level it is not possible to become a new editor, so there is no "volunteer" text). One level up -- named editors for Games/Video_Games/ are bluesplinter, deadsea, elminster, lufiaguy, wrathchild, reginaman, lavendergreen. At the top level, Games, add enarra, thehelper, jtaylorj, sidjf. So far, the list of editors who can edit Games/.../Mornington_Crescent/ is enarra, thehelper, jtaylorj, sidjf, bluesplinter, deadsea, elminster, lufiaguy, wrathchild, reginaman, lavendergreen, julies and nea.

In addition to these people, there's a whole large list of editors with editall and meta permissions (well, some of those already named are editalls and metas who are also named in a category). And when I say "large list", I mean 246 people as of right now. All these people have the same editing rights in every category in the directory. (Except for the Kids&Teens part, which is separate with separate editing rights.) New editors are sometimes surprised or annoyed when other editors come in and make edits in "their" category; it's not all that obvious that just because an editor is named at the bottom of the category he or she is not the sole person responsible for the state of the category, and does not have a greater right to edit there than anybody else. And as a non-editor it can be difficult to realise that the editor named in a category is not necessarily the one who made the latest edits there, and might very well not be the next person to edit there, either.

So the answer to your question is: Yes, it is possible to find out exactly who is able to edit in a particular category. However, this knowledge is not particularly useful, since it doesn't tell you (or us) anything about who out of 250+ people is actually editing there. (And the data about who has made which edit in the past is not public.)


Oct 11, 2006
That post was so helpful. I guess with all the categories out there, I've only clicked on DMOZ categories that have said "Volunteer.." and never "Category editor : XXX".. Please let me clarify, 'Editor Julies' cannot see what edits 'Editor nea' has made (even if both of your are editors)?

Ever since really beginning to learn the ropes at WebMasterWorld, I've really begun to appreciate this foundation of anonymity that this directory seems to be built on. I feel like it gives people an opportunity to progress ideas and issues in a way they've never been able to do before.. But the best thing is.. the voice is loud. People here these forums. At webmasterworld, I love how I can progress conversation in only the most general way (no links, no specifics) and I feel like the impact is even bigger than if I was using real life examples.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I believe editor Julies can see editor nea's edits. I know (meta-)editor nea can see Julies' edits. I know any editor who can edit in a category, can see all the edits made by anyone to that category. And I know any editor can see all the edits made by anyone to a particular URL. In other words, if you're trusted to do the right thing, you're trusted with the information you need, in order to do it.


Jun 8, 2005
Any editor can see what edits any other editor has made - whether they have editing rights in the category(ies) or not. Any editor can also see any edits made in a category - again whether they have editing rights in the category or not.


Oct 23, 2006
Helpful info

I joined this forum to learn a bit about the workings of the directory. The above posts have proven really helpful.
Some time ago, I have suggested a site of mine to:
Home:Consumer Info:Computers and Internet:Internet:Web Hosting
- simply since I noticed that this was where other sites similar to mine were listed.

It is reassuring to know that a category may be actively worked on whether or not any editor is listed for that category.
Then I feel that my site is going to get a fair chance of getting listed, since as far as I could determine it is just as good as any other site already listed in that category.
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