Submitting to categories with no editor



:question:What if the closest category page I want to submit to has no editor? I see how the bottom of the page has a link: "volunteer to edit this category" rather than an editor's name. Should I then pick the next closest category that does have an editor on hand?

I own a Detective-related site so I felt was the best category, except it has no editor, hence nobody to review my site.

so might be the best alternative category that does have an editor on hand to review my site.

Also, if website is earning income from affiliate product sales, Example: then could it be considered acceptable if it contains useful content that would be helpful or informative to the visitors? Ie: articles & tips, free guides, etc..
Fred Appleyard


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Pick the one best category for your site and submit there, regardless of whether or not there's an editor listed there (no category is an orphan).

Computers/Internet/Searching is for sites about searching the internet, not sites offering searches for "missing" people or detective services.

Net Detective resellers/affiliates are generally not listed as the creator's site is listed. In the case of your site, the articles there are common to pretty much every Net Detective affiliate and thus aren't unique. The site wouldn't be listable in the ODP.

Design tip: you shouldn't have that pop up coming up every time someone leaves your main page (I would expect that it should only come up if they're leaving your site completely) -- right now if comes up everytime you click an internal link on that main page which is really annoying.
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