Submitting to different categories


Jul 25, 2005
I have been trying to get re-listed in the "Offshore Services" category for months but without success. There is another category that we could fit into. So is it worth resubmitting to the new category or would I be accused of "spamming" and ruin my chances of getting into either? Also, where a category asks for "volunteers" to edit, does this mean there are presently no editors for that category; if so, then it hardly seems worth submitting.



Jan 23, 2003
Good morning Ian

You have a number of questions here, so let me see if I can take them in order:

1. Should you submit to a differnt category.
The answer is almost always no if your goal is to get seen by an editor sooner. The reason the answer is no is that if it is not the single best category you will, in fact, have spammed the directory by wasting an editor's time, forcing them to have to figure out where it should go and move it there for another editor to review. You gain nothing with this strategy, and could actually lose time. So, thanks for asking before doing!

2. Volunteer to edit this category question?
While our most excellent FAQ addresses this, let me give you the short form. Every category has more than 200 editors who are allowed to edit there. The thing you saw is a recruitment pitch, indicating that this might be a good category for a new editor to apply for. We do it this way because we can't afford radio and TRV spots <grin>.

3. Hardly worth submitting question.
It is certainly worth submitting once to the single best category, and, if after a year or so passes, and you have improved your site (I haven't looked, this is generic) we allow you to submit once more to the single best category.

Hope this helps.


Jul 25, 2005
Thanks Spectregunner for your reply.

Given there are some 200 Editors to each category, why is it that the "Offshore Services" category never changes? I understand it can take up to 3 years to get listed but someone must be at the head of the queue, but still there are no additions or alterations. It must be more than a year since we submitted our site and its difficult to know whether we are getting to the head of the queue or whether nobody edits this category (which seems to be the case) and we are as far away as ever. This is why I was considering another category, but it seems this may cause more delays than waiting to see if we eventually get listed in the first choice.


Mar 25, 2002
Sure, there are 200 editors that could edit in this category - they can edit in any category.

But now divide that by the number of categories in existence in the ODP.... and then you get a realistic number about how many editors there are.

It's not zero, but it isn't 200, either.... Unless there is a named editor in the category, the number is greater than zero, less than 1, more like.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is no queue to be at the head ofl ergo, there isn't anyone at the head of it. So if you're thinking in such terms, no wonder the reality is so frustrating.
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