Submitting to DMOZ


Oct 16, 2004
When will our site appear in the Directory?

Having put together a website for inclusion in the Directory and submitting it two weeks, I was wondering why it takes so long to be added? Its very frustrating, especially when people keep asking why we're not in the Search Engines. Our URL is: Is there any way of speeding it up? The thought of having to wait two years is not very encouraging! We'd consider adding a link for dmoz if that would help. :confused: Are all Directories this slow?



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
No, there is no way to speed this up.
But if you want to be listed in other directories or in search engines you will have to submit your site there yourself.

BTW you should not build a website for inclusion in the directory. You must build a website for its own purpose.


Jan 23, 2003
especially when people keep asking why we're not in the Search Engines.

Could it have something to do with the fact that we are a directory?

Could it be that you are confused about our role in life? You seem to assume that we are some sort of website listing service and that we are required to bark three times and roll over within a certain timeframe. We are not a website listing service and have never suggested that we are. We are directory builders who allow outsiders to suggest URLs to us that we will eventually look at, but that are not our highest priority.

Let me give you a real-life example of how this works: right now I choose to work within Regional. There is a state there that had about 950 sites in the submission pool a few weeks ago. I've started in Localites and am going through each community, one subcat at a time, starting with A and going to Z. I'll complete the alphabet in about three months -- then I'm going to turn my attention to a family of aviation-related categories that could use some love. It may be six months before I come back to that state where I am working today. And while that is my grand plan, I will still keep my eye on a whole bunch of categories and try to process all update requests that I see within 48 hours -- because those impact the quality of the directory.

That is how sites get added to the directory. By one editor at a time, doing what he or she wishes.

You see, this is not a business for us, this is a labor of love. Money dosn't motivate us. Chocolates don't motivate us. Reciprocal links don't motivate us. Heather Locklear doens't motivate us......well, I take that back, Heather Locklear motivates the heck out of me.


Oct 12, 2004
can you take a look at again. :D
BTW, How do you like coppermine. I use photoshop's (7.0) gallery animator and while it does a lot of the work I have to add the breadcrumbs and the fonts, etc are very limited. Can coppermine give me an index page with all the thumbnails for the gallery's images?


Oct 12, 2004
miromulus, its a joke based on the heather locklear thing, which would have made little sense in the other thread. It would have made more sense 3 hours ago but for some reason the ftp portion of my host was not functioning so i could only just now get the page up.
I'm satisfied with the answer I got in the other thread. Sorry to waste your time.


Oct 16, 2004
pvgool said:
No, there is no way to speed this up.
But if you want to be listed in other directories or in search engines you will have to submit your site there yourself.

BTW you should not build a website for inclusion in the directory. You must build a website for its own purpose.

You are 100% correct but when you must rely on the search engines to place you in their serps and a link from ODP helps a great deal with that then you have to also build the website for the directories.

Websites should be designed for the consumer and not the search engines in a perfect world BUT this isnt a perfect world. In order to get your website out so the public can see it there are certain rules of placement you must follow and ODP happens to be one of them for the time being...or until Microsoft brings their new search engine out in 2005 and then google falls and ODP becomes less important for ranking within google and has no real effect for Microsoft.


Sep 4, 2004
Da_OW said:
miromulus, its a joke based on the heather locklear thing, which would have made little sense in the other thread. It would have made more sense 3 hours ago but for some reason the ftp portion of my host was not functioning so i could only just now get the page up.
I'm satisfied with the answer I got in the other thread. Sorry to waste your time.

Sorry :)


Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for your help. I'm glad you explained about what the editors role is. It must require a lot of patience. I don't think I'd be very good at it myself! Getting back to our website, I happened to type in something quite by chance today, and, lo and behold, our website came up at the Yahoo Seach Engine! Good news, I hear you say. Well, yes and no. I had thought we'd be listed under our full name, which is the HASTINGS KURDISH WELFARE ASSOCIATION. Instead we've been listed under what is written on the Home Page (the last word we had to shorten to ASSOC. because the website builder wouldn't allow us anymore letters). I found it when I typed in Kurdish in Hastings. Is this because the Web Spider read it from the Home Page? Hope I'm not still getting confused here. Bear with me! Maybe if we changed the template we're using this might allow us more letters to get the whole name in. Could we then re-submit to the Search Engines?



Oct 12, 2004
While this probably isn't the place, here goes.
1. Typically your title should be limited to 64 characters. Yours is currently way longer. The title should be Hastings Kurdish Welfare Association without the rest, which is a description. The head of your document should look more like this (note the lack of allcaps).

<TITLE>Hastings Kurdish Welfare Association</TITLE>
<meta name="keywords" content="Kurdish, Hastings, support, help, racial abuse, asylum seekers, refugees, appeals, Home Office, benefits ">
<meta name="description" content="A group providing help and support for refugees and asylum seekers in the Kurdish community in East Sussex.">

2. There is no need (ever really) to submit to a search engine. Get lots of links to your site from other relevant sites. Thats how they find you. Thats also how lots of other people will find you.
3. Get yourself your own domain name. Nowadays $36 (american) will get you the domain name and hosting for a year. Try something like or although there are many more. is available.
Good Luck


Aug 13, 2003


Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for letting me know that. I havn't checked with the listings at dmoz for a few days but I'll have a look after I've posted this reply. It's good to know that there is plenty of help out there!


Oct 16, 2004
Thanks Da OW! I'm curious to know how you knew what meta-tags I used! I guess you have ways of finding these things out. Yes, we are putting the web address around as much as possible, adding links to other websites etc. I've also just got some sticky letter labels printed up (thanks to Able-Labels, who are very reasonably priced!). We are going to get some cards made up too. Yes, I think we will look into getting our own domain name eventually, it seems like a good idea. At the moment though, as a voluntary org without charitable status, we have limited funds. I'm glad I found this forum because this is all new to me and I'm learning new things every day.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Anyone can view your meta tags by looking at the source of the page.
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