There are many search engines deriving results directly from ODP with their names. For e.g. results of Google Directory are derived from ODP (Am I right?).
There are many other search engines deriving their results from ODP. I don't remember their names.
The reason for thinking so is, the editors are same for both the directories.
Moreover, they all have a "Submit your site" link.
As all the submissions are going to land up with same ODP editors, is it fine to submit a site through all both the links (Google Directory and ODP) or just from any one (DMOZ)?
Please adivice.
There are many other search engines deriving their results from ODP. I don't remember their names.
The reason for thinking so is, the editors are same for both the directories.
Moreover, they all have a "Submit your site" link.
As all the submissions are going to land up with same ODP editors, is it fine to submit a site through all both the links (Google Directory and ODP) or just from any one (DMOZ)?
Please adivice.