Submitting websites

Mar 12, 2010
I have tried listing my website which is very good quality compared to others already in dmoz and nothing...............

Yes i mean nothing, i didnt list for page rank as mine is ranked 4 with alexa rating of 500k......and yes nothing.

I have listed my submission in exactly the correct category and yes.............nothing.

I think dmoz is like the mary celeste, you look inside and what is there..........yes nothing.

I have submitted about every 4 months but I have decided that it will never happen, it seems to me you have to be lucky or a secret squirrel


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

Whatever page rank and Alexa are, we pay them no heed.
Mar 12, 2010
I understand that you pay no heed to pagerank and Alexa rating that is what google is for but the quality of my website compared to some i observe in dmoz, I personally would not have allowed them to be authorised. This is not sour grapes just an observation by someone who has spent quite a while in a fruitless endeavour.

regards Mike


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
If you've been suggesting your site every four months, you missed a significant part of jimnoble's post.

There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

You must have also missed the part of our suggestion guidelines that require that a website be suggested just once to the one best category. You acknowledged that you'd read and understood them on each occasion. If an editor decides to sort suggestions by date, each time that you suggested your site, you dropped it back to the bottom.
Mar 12, 2010
Oh well i will leave it 2 years and come back to you when i have an even better alexa rating and pagerank ....and i will tell you again...its not been listed, i am not the only one who wonders, you say put content on your site , i doesnt matter that is my point, look around there is a category that i have seen is close to my submitted category and it has 4 websites in it i think there needs to be an editor for that category. If it hasnt changed in 2 years then dmoz needs to look at its editors. I spend hours on the internet a day I am not a newbie with a chip on his shoulder.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
You clearly did not read what jimnoble wrote

You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.
Mar 12, 2010
You guys are beating me down...i have read every word he wrote and previous editors writings too. Luckily i have an opinion and your berating for not reading his words doesnt change my opinion, the editors do have an obligation to not always put in the, marks and or asda. They are there in abundance but the smaller websites that might be equally as good and have more relevant content are being overlooked for their big brothers.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
editors do have an obligation ..
No they don't; they're volunteers.

We don't beef at how hard you work at your hobbies but you don't do us the courtesy of not beefing about how hard we work at ours.

This thread has quite clearly run it's course. Closing. Do not start another one on the same topic.
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