


Some months ago I submitted a site, for review and inclusion in the directory. This site has been refused by one of your editors, [edited] on the grounds that it is a multiple submission stating we are already listed as This is not the case and certainly not a multiple submission as Gill Technology is a design consultancy trading as a seperate company altogether. Gill Instruments (who you have listed as is a manufacturing company. They trade solely independantly from each other and my only involvement with the company is as a contacted out IT support role. I would like to hear how [edited] can consider this a multiple submission regarding two seperate companies, using two seperate domain names hosted by two different ISP's?? Thanks for your time.

[edited: Identifying specific editors is against the Forum Guidelines - apeuro]


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
I would personally agree with the decision here. The sites both have prominent links to each other on the home page and you both have the same postal address. From the point of view of a web surfer, I find it very difficult to tell the difference between the two companies - you seem to offer very similar services.

To us, it looks like you have merely decided to include part of the site on another domain, which we see as a deeplink - the fact that it is hosted by another ISP is completely irrelevant. Therefore it is unlikely that it will be listed.

Your mole is feeding you only partially correct information.

It doesn't help us investigate when the site is unavailable as it is right now. <added> Uhh, hmm, are you trying to be silly with referrer trickery -- blocking lookups from but not from your other, listed site? If you want to play games and make a site look unavailable to us but available elsewhere then there certainly is no chance of the unlisted site making it into the directory.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Uhh, hmm, are you trying to be silly with referrer trickery?

I'm not making any accusations -- both sites were up when I looked. But as a general observation, we treat referrer cloaking exactly like "bait and switch."
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