Submmission Status of


Jun 23, 2004
The first time was about 3 months ago, Then after contacting the editor for that directory, I was told to resubmit it because he had no record of it. That was a month ago.


Jun 23, 2004
Why was it not listable exactly? My site has valuable tools and information for commercial real estate and financing on it, including a real estate agent directory and commercial property listings. How is that this site gets listed in the directory I applied for:

and mine is found to be 'not listable?'


After further investigation, it turns out the editor of the category I am applying for is the owner of a competitor site to ours, how convenient for him that he is the editor of that category, whose own site is listed in that category by the way. I don't believe my site should be judged for worthiness for inclusion by a competitor, do you?

I have filed an official complaint against the editor and have requested my site be evaluated by someone else for inclusion.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Your site has been reviewed by multiple editors and has been deemed unlistable. Per our forum guidelines, we do not go into specifics as to why any given site suggestion is not accepted.


Feb 13, 2004
sole said:
Your site was reviewed and found to be not listable.

If you would like to know our policies on which sites to include, you may read our Site Selection Criteria at

You know, we should lock threads right after posting such a statement. What else is there to discuss?

Anyhow, file your complaint and give as many specific, factual details possible.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm generally willing to check listings that are alleged not to be appropriate.

But I can safely say that (1) the other site you mention is undoubtedly and obviously listable by our guidelines, (2) your site is undoubtedly and obviously not listable by our guidelines, and (3) the category editor did not make the final call anyway.

I conclude you really don't understand the guidelines. Well, that's fine, you have your own knitting to tend to. But it will make it very difficult (if not impossible) for you to create sites that the ODP would have any interest in. My advice would be to ignore the ODP altogether for this and all your future website promotion plans, for this and all other websites you develop. This will be less frustrating and less time-consuming and less futile for all concerned.


Jun 23, 2004
hutcheson said:
I'm generally willing to check listings that are alleged not to be appropriate.

But I can safely say that (1) the other site you mention is undoubtedly and obviously listable by our guidelines, (2) your site is undoubtedly and obviously not listable by our guidelines, and (3) the category editor did not make the final call anyway.

I conclude you really don't understand the guidelines. Well, that's fine, you have your own knitting to tend to. But it will make it very difficult (if not impossible) for you to create sites that the ODP would have any interest in. My advice would be to ignore the ODP altogether for this and all your future website promotion plans, for this and all other websites you develop. This will be less frustrating and less time-consuming and less futile for all concerned.

Wow. I am being threatend by a meta/admin. That's some serious stuff. I'm unsure what has brought upon a threat such as this, however I find it inappropriate. Is it because I questioned authority? Is it because I continue question your decision, because you simply give me the same answer "your site is not listable per our guidelines", yet you can't tell me exactly what part of the guidelines my site violates. All I'm looking for are solid answers from you people and all I get is a solid "no".

I am sorry I have upset you all, however I find it upsetting that people are reprimanded for questioning decisions as if you all are high and mighty. If you are going to be high and mighty, at least please provide some guidance to us that apparently are not worthy of you or your directory.

Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What threat? I'm just giving you advice. You are being frustrated by attempts to get an ODP listing--and understandably so, because you don't understand the ODP guidelines. But because you so misunderstand the ODP guidelines, all such efforts will be frustrating for you. (And it's frustrating for us, too, to deal with this kind of spam.)

That's just my advice. I don't propose to do anything about it -- nor is it necessary. Editors have to deal with a LOT of this kind of spam (you hardly invented the concept!) and we're used to it. Admittedly, two and three years ago we fell for a lot of it, but we've gotten more experienced since then, and we're better at weeding it out now.

I understand that you don't see why it's spam. That's OK. If you ever figure it out, the ODP will still be here, ready to review your unique content. But until that time--until you can look at that website and understand why it is of great value to our surfers not to see it, and why our editors can spot its uselessness so quickly--then your time will be better spent pursuing other promotional methods.


Jun 23, 2004
Ok. Thanks. It's spam, gotcha. This is my last post, but I have to ask, how do you classify a site as spam? When it contains similar content to the others sites in the same business category? Its kinda hard not to have similar content because we are all in the same business and are selling the same services and programs.

I apprecaite the time you have spent in dealing with me, honestly. At least now I know why I have been denied. I seriously didn't consider my site spam, however I can see why it could be considered unworthy if similar content to other sites in the directory is the reasoning behind it being considered unlistable. I will strive to provide more valuable and unique content and hopefully one day I will be able to be listed.

Thanks again.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Basically, what we're looking for is unique content. And yes, we know that much of any firm's site will be similar to another firm in the same business. And that is tolerable. It's when there isn't _anything_ unique about the site that we don't list it. So it's easy to say "yes, this firm is similar to others." What is important -- and this is important for every firm -- is that the firm be able to articulate their unique services.

Which comes around to: promotional material, advertising in any form, doesn't count as content. Yes, we know everybody writes their own marketroid hype -- but that is not what gets them listed. Because that's not a service to the SURFER, that's a service to the advertiser! And so long as we have the real service provider represented (and this means the provider of the service that the surfer is actually looking for) -- we want no distractions, duplications, promotions, etc. Well, we can't have "none". So we go for as few as possible, while still representing the actual service providers.


Jun 23, 2004
Sorry, this is seriously my last post. :)

I understand, thanks for explaining. It makes sense now. Like I said I'll work on the site and see if I can't find something unique to offer.

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