sudden removal of listing, no aparent reason


Oct 25, 2005
my website: has been listed in DMOZ for several years.
as a result, traffic to my site has increasedand i now earn quite a nice living,

however, somthing underand i currentl going on, and there are two possible reasons for this that i will mention later.

For some unknown reason my listing, which was located at:

was initially dropped down to:

but i ignored this, as i was still happy to be in dmoz.

today i thought id see if id been moved again, and low and behold i ave been completely removed altogether!!!!!

i have not broken an guidlines to my knowledge, my site has not been down,
i run a legitimate business, and offer the best products in my industry!

I am hapy to supply several happy customers email addresses to vouch that my products are exceptional and i am a legitimate business.

As i mentioned before, i have 2 ideas as to why this has happended,

firstly it is my strong belief that the moderator for this section is one of 2 of my main competitors, one of which is caled John Buchan, who works for phidentity, the other being

secondly, it may be due to myrecent falling out with my SEO company, i refused to pay them for their services as they did very little for the cash i was paying and they vowed to have me removed from all search engines!!
This i belive is impossible, i am starting to think that maybe they are spamming you guys with resubimissions / multipl submission requests etc and other general abuse to seem as if it is coming from me!
the company is

either way, there is n real reaosn for my removal, and i believe this is a result of a third party's underhand way of screwing me over.

id be very greatful if someone could research this, find the moderator responsible, and request an explanation for the removal of my site.

and let me know.

Warren Mackenzie
MD - Evoke Soltons Limited


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
One thing about forums is that if you read what others before you have written, you can find answers and information which may apply to your inquiry and an indication of possible responses.

Other people before you have had the same problem for example phidentity over a fake id card site in the thread

I shall leave it to more experienced editors to reply to your points...

of course in the meantime you might wish to save eveyone some time by reconsidering various aspects of your post ?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Eric is quite right - the automatic link checker discovering a dead site is one of the most likely reasons for a site to be removed from sight.

I haven't looked at your listing, but here are some general points (for you and anybody else who plans writing a similar posting)

* If you find a site using search but can't see it in the category indicated, it's almost certainly been removed. Search is lagging behind a bit.

* Abuse should never be reported in R-Z. Those of us who have the editing rights to deal with abuse won't say anything here, and most of those won't see the posting anyway as a very small fraction of all ODP editors ever come to this forum. Please use if you have good reason to believe that there has been editorial abuse involved.

* In the event that editorial abuse is discovered, that is handled internally. Editors don't get away with abusing the directory, but neither do we infringe their personal integrity or break the rules of the directory by telling any kind of details to people outside the directory.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
And since this is not the first post about the removal of this site (I responded before searching the forum, which is often a silly thing to do), I'm going to close this thread. This thread has provided you with all information you can possibly need.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.