Suggest a category


Apr 16, 2010
I was not able to find a way to suggest a category. I am a research psychologist (PhD), and the relatively new but quickly expanding field of "Positive Psychology" is one the main areas I know something about. I certainly think it should be a category under []. See, for example, [], and for a taste of its historical origins, see
[]. You might even want to look at [] where you'll notice in the sidebar that Positive Psychology is one of the 13 fields of "basic science" (as opposed to "applied science," which has an additional 9 fields).

I would even be willing to volunteer to edit the category.

Positive Psychology is also an area in which people are showing a great deal of interest, as evidenced by the number of popular books on the subject written by academic psychologists that have ranked very highly on I think the category would be a beneficial addition for users of the Open Directory Project.

If you create this category, please let me know by email.

Thank you.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The creation and placement of a new category like that would generally require internal editorial discussion. You can either suggest a number of positive psychology sites to the main Psychology category (an editor reviewing those suggestions may then bring up discussion of the category in the internal forums) or you can apply for a small category that already exists -- after you become an editor, you can start the discussion yourself.
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