suggest a site


Nov 7, 2009
Hi guys i have completed the registration process a submitted a site to the directory about 4 weeks ago the site i suggested was <name and URL deleted> and i was wondering if you received the registration and also what the delay in the listing might be

Many thanks



Apr 5, 2004
For more information I suggest you read the forum FAQ at the top of each page here, but the boilerplate answer is:
The ODP is not a listing service. A volunteer will review your suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years.
There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Nov 7, 2009
Hi guys, this is just an up-date, my site is still not being listed and i think i know the reason why, on the first line of my home page, i had the words "this site is under construction" it was an error on my part as i had forgotten to remove it, the page has now been changed, and the site is complete, and i was hoping someone could re-evaluate it, do i need to list it again or just be patient knowing you will get around to it, again my thanks for all the hard work you guys put in.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The guidelines specifically say not to submit a site that is "under construction". But there are four reasonably-likely cases now:

(A) The site has already been reviewed. It wasn't listable then, and isn't listable now.
(B) The site hasn't been reviewed yet, the suggestion is still waiting review.
(C) The site has been reviewed, in, say, the last month. It wasn't listable then, but would be listable now.
(D) The site was reviewed, say, three or six months ago. It wasn't listable then, but would be listable now.

In cases (A) and (B), for different reasons, there is no need to do anything, and nothing useful you could do.
In case (C), the site could be resubmitted. But don't, now. Here's why. Say I'm an editor, looking through recent suggestions. I see a site that has been submitted, and has just been reviewed by some active and respected editor, who noted that it wasn't listable. I could (a) review the site again, (b) leave it for later, (c) curse the submitter for a serial spammer, and delete the suggestion as a duplicate of an already-reviewed suggestion. Which, do you think, is most likely?

In case (D), again I have three possibilities. But now action (a) is NOT obviously a waste of time now, and the editor might well review it again. (There's no guarantee, as I read the social contract, of more than one review, though. But editors' mission is to build a directory, not to "fulfil a social contract to website owners." So whatever is likely to build the directory, is likely to get done.)

So my recommendation, based on the way things work, would be: (1) Make sure the site is REALLY listable NOW, because the odds on a THIRD review AREN'T good. (2) WAIT. Three months at least, preferably six months. (3) Suggest the site again.

Now case (C) above CAN'T be true, because if the site had been reviewed in the last six months, it would have been listed if it WAS listable, and if it had been reviewed earlier than that--well, that would be case (D).


Nov 7, 2009
hutcheson said:
The guidelines specifically say not to submit a site that is "under construction". But there are four reasonably-likely cases now:

(A) The site has already been reviewed. It wasn't listable then, and isn't listable now.
(B) The site hasn't been reviewed yet, the suggestion is still waiting review.
(C) The site has been reviewed, in, say, the last month. It wasn't listable then, but would be listable now.
(D) The site was reviewed, say, three or six months ago. It wasn't listable then, but would be listable now.

In cases (A) and (B), for different reasons, there is no need to do anything, and nothing useful you could do.
In case (C), the site could be resubmitted. But don't, now. Here's why. Say I'm an editor, looking through recent suggestions. I see a site that has been submitted, and has just been reviewed by some active and respected editor, who noted that it wasn't listable. I could (a) review the site again, (b) leave it for later, (c) curse the submitter for a serial spammer, and delete the suggestion as a duplicate of an already-reviewed suggestion. Which, do you think, is most likely?

In case (D), again I have three possibilities. But now action (a) is NOT obviously a waste of time now, and the editor might well review it again. (There's no guarantee, as I read the social contract, of more than one review, though. But editors' mission is to build a directory, not to "fulfil a social contract to website owners." So whatever is likely to build the directory, is likely to get done.)

So my recommendation, based on the way things work, would be: (1) Make sure the site is REALLY listable NOW, because the odds on a THIRD review AREN'T good. (2) WAIT. Three months at least, preferably six months. (3) Suggest the site again.

Now case (C) above CAN'T be true, because if the site had been reviewed in the last six months, it would have been listed if it WAS listable, and if it had been reviewed earlier than that--well, that would be case (D).

ok i can sort of see where your coming from, so would my best option be to wait and try and list it again, it just it is a educational site and i would really like it listed on dmoz but i do not want to fall into your third review scenario lol

again thanks for your time and prompt answer


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
As well as the above, human edited means a human reviews the site and sees if it works, either if it is marked as being under construction or not. :2cents:


Nov 7, 2009
So are you saying thats its been already been edited and not listed lol, just so i know and i do not mind in the slightest waiting if it has not been reviewed.

many thanks


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
He's not saying anything about your specific site at all. We do not give information about the status of your site suggestion here.


Nov 7, 2009
Again thank-you for all taking the time to answer my queries, it is most appreciated

Here's hoping

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