Suggest category for automotive site exporting used cars


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is a critical assumption in your question that should not go unchallenged.

You could have asked, "There is an editor in <some other> category. Does this guarantee, or even suggest, that all sites suggested there will be reviewed in under two years?"

And the answer is, "No, absolutely not."

And finally, "Assuming my site is listable, will an editor list it as soon as it is reviewed?"

And the answer is again, "No, absolutely not. If it is suggested in a wrong category, the editor will almost certainly move it to the right category, and leave it there waiting to be reviewed in the PROPER context. A site badly enough mis-submitted may go through this cycle multiple times, each time being moved a little bit closer to the right place."

And I have one question for you: "Is that last option really what you want most?"


Jun 11, 2004
There is a critical assumption in your question that should not go unchallenged.

I don't see any critical assumptions. You guys do your work for free. It is your hobby as I understand. But this is DMOZ editors who stress that they are not obliged to anyone because they are voluntary, and it may last as long as even 2 years to get to DMOZ even if site matches guidelines.

And I have one question for you: "Is that last option really what you want most?"

Sorry, English is not my native language and I haven't understood what you meant by this.

Anyway. I am ready to wait even year to get listed in DMOZ. It is already 5 months from my first attempt to get listed :)

PS. DMOZ is very big but it even does not send a mail notifications about submition of site. I have to make note on paper when I submitted site and what category I submited site. And after approval again webmsater does not receive notification about apporval. Even little directories of standalone sites have these features. But DMOZ the biggest does not have this must-have-option, though for programmer it is a matter of maximum of two hours work. Explain me why.

For example I beg your pardon but I don't remember when it was last time when I submitted my application and what was the category (I was in doubt what category to choose between two).


Jan 23, 2003
OK, we wanted to be sure that you understand that it can take more than two years to be reviewed, and that doing submissions to the wrong part of the directory can add to that time.

The issue on confirmation e-mails has been discussed many, many times. We have made the decision not to send confirmation e-mail because of two reasons:

1. It take time away from editing
2. It gives too much information/power to the spammers.

I think we all agree that on a personal level, confirmation e-mails would be the nice, polite thing to do, but since the spammers and directory abusers have declared war on the directory, we cannot afford to be nice.

And, yes, we do regret that the spammers have put us in this position.


Jun 11, 2004
The issue on confirmation e-mails has been discussed many, many times. We have made the decision not to send confirmation e-mail because of two reasons:

1. It take time away from editing
2. It gives too much information/power to the spammers.

These are funny reasons :) Fairy-tales :)
Confirmations are always sent automatically! Yesterday I programmed a directory for my site in PHP. It took three hours! All actions are accompanied by mail notifications to my partners.

Spammers? This is even more funny. Spammers will use absolutley different ways to mailbomb DMOZ. Sending script must use blackhole FROM and REPLYTO addresses. That is the simplest solution.

Sorry. This is offtopic of course, but I never saw such funny apologies for children :)


Apr 15, 2003
You have an answer to your status question in the other forum.

You have an answer to your question in this forum. I see you don't like it. I don't like a lot of posts I see in this forum either.


Jun 11, 2004
brmehlman Meta Administrator
You misunderstood again. We refer to directory spammers, not email spammers.
I may mistaken then. But I still don't see the point... Directory spammers as I think those who will add lots of links to directory right?

You have an answer to your status question in the other forum.
Yes. And this is true again. But I really couldn't recollect from mind what category and when I submitted my site last time. I remember I also made a bookmark for forum thread, but it became broken also (forum has changed somewhat right?) and again I couldn't find what was the thread when I asked smth. several months ago...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ergo, it's very simple.

You got a confirmation. It was automatic. You got it as soon as you submitted your site. You got it in your browser window.

You could have saved that screen. You did not. You could have written down the information. You did not. You could even have remembered the information. You did not. You could have bookmarked the ODP category. You did not.

It is not the ODP's fault that you did not do any of these things. It is not the ODP's purpose to do any of these things for you. It is not the ODP's mission to compensate for your failure to do these things.

Now, you are inconvenienced by your own failures. But there is no reason for contemptuous ridicule of the people who are trying to help you.

We will make a deal. We will not ask you why you did such a thorough job of forgetting all the information you have already been given. And since that information was so unimportant to you, you won't ask us why WE didn't log it EITHER.

If you can keep this agreement, you will be allowed to use this forum in the future to request submittal status.
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