suggest to second cat or just move?



Hopefully someone could suggest the best solution here. We are currently listed in a relevant category, however I think the site would be better suited in a different (possibly additional) category. When our site was first listed, we did not offer the service that is now available (if we did) the site would have been better suited in this other category. So, my question is, should I suggest a listing in an additional category (as I think it may qualify for two categories) or request a move? Personally, I would prefer the site to be in the new category since it's more relevant for the users. Anyway, your suggestions would be helpful.

BTW - if needed I would be happy to post the url with current category it is listed in, plus list the new category I "think" it should be listed in. Thank You.


Aug 14, 2002
Your best bet is to go to the category where your site is listed now and click on the link near the top right hand corner that says "update URL." You can make your request for a move from there.
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