suggest URL vs. report abuse/spam


Oct 15, 2005

suggest URL - For more than three years I'm trying to submit my website with no success. The category I'm asking to submit to is loaded with unbelievably rubbish content websites.

report abuse/spam - In the last 6 months or so, I have reported about 6 dead links in that category. The response time of dmoz was very fast, around 24 hours.

How can it be that a spam report is treated so fast, yet a submission can take years ?
Is there a one to 74,719 chance that an editor can inspect my submission request ?

The category I have mentioned is Top: Games: Gambling: Lotteries: Software and Tools, and my website is irrelevant.

Thank you


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
suggest URL - For more than three years I'm trying to submit my website with no success. The category I'm asking to submit to is loaded with unbelievably rubbish content websites.
I assume you don't have problems with the submit itself but that you are only wondering why it seems to you that nothing happened after you suggested the site. As all DMOZ editors are volunteers they will only "work" in those categories that they are interested in or that they think need attention. As a result it might happen that some categories are not looked at for a year or more.
If you see websites that should not belog anymore in the category you can let us know through either the "update listing" at DMOZ or the quality control part of Resource Zone. Which I think (based on the rest of your posting) you already did. Although what you did was not report abuse/spam but use the "update listing" (atleast I hope you did use that link).

report abuse/spam - In the last 6 months or so, I have reported about 6 dead links in that category. The response time of dmoz was very fast, around 24 hours.
Yes, we are very keen to keep what is listed in DMOZ in as good as possible quality. That is why we react very fast to update requests.

How can it be that a spam report is treated so fast, yet a submission can take years ?
Is there a one to 74,719 chance that an editor can inspect my submission request ?
That is caused by the fact that we are volunteers working on a hobby.
I know why you think there are 74,719 editors. But to be honest that number can be misleading. It shows the total number of people who have at one time contributed to the directory. The total of active editors at this moment is around 7500 if I am not mistaken.

Hope I have been able to clear some of the misunderstandings you had. If not feel free to ask. But we can and will not look at your site just because you ask us to do so. Imagine what will happen when we would do so and the word would go out. We would be swamped with requests for review.


Oct 15, 2005
pvgool ,

I love your post. Thank you for the time.
If you or any other editor believe that merit should prevail, than I ask you to look at my submission, because my website is far better than many that are already listed.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Ehh, did you miss my last sentences.
we can and will not look at your site just because you ask us to do so
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.