Suggested a site 5 months ago


Apr 22, 2004
I submitted a site five months ago and havent heard anything. Is it normal or you think my site was rejected?


Feb 15, 2007

How would one know If they were rejected? Its like blindly throwing something out into the dark without ever knowing.

I just re-submitted but do not want to upset anybody with submitting too much... Is that a possiblity?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
If the site fits the Guidlines for inclusion, then the most probable reason that it hasn't been listed is that no one has yet had a chance to review it.

One resubmission isn't going to be a problem, however there is no reason to re-suggest the site more than one additional time unless content/focus has gone through major changes since its last suggestion. Remember that each time you re-suggest the URL it will overwrite any previous ones waiting for review. Should an editor decide to review sites in the given category and chooses to do so based on suggestion date, the new suggestion would fall to the bottom of the pile.

Hope that helps.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Its like blindly throwing something out into the dark without ever knowing.

Yes. But what part of life is not like that? You make a casual comment, and six months (or six years) later someone says, "what you said makes sense now." You work for weeks preparing a work for publication, without knowing if anyone will visit it. You post a website with an address for feedback, and not one in a thousand surfers responds. You post in a forum, and who will read it?

ODP editors are in a kind of unusual position. If we can commend a website, we do: by listing it, so the whole world knows what we thought.

And if we can't commend a website, it's ... better not to talk about it.


Feb 15, 2007
Yes, that is true

It's just an unusual situation because it is the only place that I know of on the Internent where I can't actually throw money at it to make it better. Which at the same time is a very commendable thing.

And it is not JUST another listing. Anybody who is anybody gets listed here. If you're nobody, than you probably don't...:eek:


Mar 10, 2007
Has our site been refused?

I am the webmaster for our company site and also help marketing promotion. I know that our site was submitted two years ago, and possibly once or twice since but no more. I am certain that I used the correct category. My question and Im sure you are plagued with it constantly have we been banned, refused, we are well established both in the industry as well as in our own niche so I just dont see why we have been overlooked by dmoz.


Jan 23, 2003
Well, first consider the fact that there are several thousand posts just like yours, and they have all been given the same basic answer: we don't give any type of status reports, no matter how you phrase the question.

But, I'll still see if I can help you (even though thread hijackers usually don't deserve that consideration).

You made a suggestion.

We may or may not have even looked at that suggestion.

If we have not looked at the suggestion, it is nothing personal -- there are lots of suggestions we have not looked at.

If we have looked at your suggestion and declined to list your site, there is probably little or nothing you can do to make it listable. Usually, if the difference between a site being listable and not listable is small, the editor will drop the site owner a note with profound bits of advice such as: your site must have a physical address to be listed in Regional/? or Did you know that your company name is spelled three different ways on your homepage and we cannot guess which one is correct? or even: your fourm consists of 17 posts, all by you. Resubmit when the post count number has a comma in it or something along those lines. We resist (mostly) the urge to send e-mails that say: your website suffers from a profound lack of content -- please flog your webmaster.

However, having lived in a corporate environment, I know that the answer I gave won't sit well with your boss, who will likely look at you like you are from Mars and ask: well, are you going to do something?

Thus, by the powers vested in me by no one in particular, you are granted permission to submit one additional time to the single best category.

Now go tell your boss that you fought the good fight and were able to browsbeat us into allowing you an additional submission, and that your effort should be recognized financially. :D :D :D :D :D


Mar 10, 2007
I was begining to wonder if the website had been reviewed at all. Now I am certain it has not been. I appreciate your prompt professional reply. I do not however have any idea what you are talking about.

Are there any other posters that may have an answer to my question?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Your questions was already answered by spectregunner.
we don't give any type of status reports, no matter how you phrase the question.
Or to be more precise it wasn't answered by him and will not be answered by any other editor.


Mar 25, 2002
The simple answer to the question is probably that no editor has reviewed the site yet. If no editor has an interest in that category, then a site can sit in the suggested pile until someone comes along who feels like going through them to see it there are any good ones to list.

If you suggested the site two years ago, then I would say that you might want to go and find that category and suggest the site again. Suggesting the site one more time is not going to tick anyone off. Make sure that you read all of the info that is presented as you suggest the site. Writing a guideline compliant title and description goes a long way towards any site be listed quicker - it's not a guarantee, as an editor still needs to find that category interesting enough to go and work there, but it certainly helps when an editor is scanning through the pile.
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