Suggested my site April 2011 Still not listed


Oct 26, 2011
We are a private investigation company and submitted our site April 4, 2011 to DMOZ> Have asked in this forum a few times about how long it takes, and other than the usual ( wait your turn ) downright rude comments, I have yet to understand why our site has not made it in the directory. <URL removed> is the site and anyone who can help us , I think two years is long enough to wait don't you?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Perhaps you could point us to the rude comments - or were they merely disagreeing with you?

Incidentally, everything is logged here and I can find no evidence that the domain of your email address has ever been suggested. I've added it to your locality as a candidate for evaluation so you need do nothing further.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Debatable Lands, Cumbria UK
... other than the usual ( wait your turn ) downright rude comments...
[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]

I have to say I've noticed quite a number of them here over the years - the unfortunate truth is that this forum is developing something of a reputation for that.

Perhaps you could point us to the rude comments - or were they merely disagreeing with you?
You may not agree, but rudeness does not always require the use of rude words or aggressive manners in order to be rude - it is as much in the intent as in the delivery. It can equally stem from an attitude of high-handed self-importance and be conveyed eloquently and in the politest of terms. Those displaying even the most politely expressed rudeness often feel they are acting reasonably given the effort of duty and sacrifice of time they make to earn and maintain the position from which they express it - indeed, they may even be unaware of their manner, so accustomed have they become to the authority of their position.

I realize there are only a few editors and a vast internet to document (and I do genuinely appreciate the patience shown by some here in the face of blatantly stupid and/or ignorant questions) but it might be nice if I chanced upon a reply in this forum that went more along the lines of "thank you for your observations... we'll act to address your concerns as soon as possible" instead of the prevalent "this is how we do it... if you don't like it then tough luck". Really... my children have better manners than that![/background]


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
The truth is that people asking about the status of a website violate the TOS of this forum.
Such behaviour is in my opinion rude.
We can either keep answering such people with he same repeated answers or we can delete such questions as a violation of the TOS.
Whichever we chose will be seen as unwanted by those who ask the questions.
We can ofcourse start lying and provide the answers those people want to hear. But why would we.
Ofcourse my answer will be seen as rude. But what do you want. We can either tell the truth or we can tell what the people want to hear.
And yes "this is how we do it... if you don't like it then tough luck". is rudely said the truth.
DMOZ and its editors do not provide any service to people who suggest websites. We never did and we never will do. We even have talked several times about disabling the function to suggest websites but until now it still has its use for DMOZ.


Oct 26, 2011
Here is the url to the last time I asked about our webiste being listed it was asking at that time why it has been 9 months. This is back in October 2011.

Yes rude I believe one editor writes: If you do not like how DMOZ operates there are several things you can do
1) do not suggest your website; noone is forcing you to do so and the gain of being listed is minor and mostly not noticalble
2) start a directory that offers what you are looking for; do not complain that other are not willing to do what you want them to do but start doing it yourself

like it or start your own ( aol search in this case ). I just find it frustrating that it takes so long to be listed. I understand weeks, month even. But 2 years one month to be listed in an AOL search engine really?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Here is the url
I must be missing something as I can not find an url in your post.

I just find it frustrating that it takes so long to be listed.
You might have misunderstood the purpose of DMOZ and how it works.
DMOZ is not about listing suggested websites. Editors may use the pool of suggested websites to build the directory. They may also totaly ignore the suggested websites and use other sources.
As DMOZ does not have a listing process it can not take to long.

I understand weeks, month even. But 2 years one month to be listed in an AOL search engine really?
Ho wait. "AOL search engine"? We are talking about the DMOZ directory. That is something totaly different. DMOZ is owned by AOL but it is a completely seperate entity run by volunteer editors who are not associated with AOL.


Oct 26, 2011
October 1, 2011 and still waiting. Doe3s anyone know if 24 months is a little LONG to get your website listed?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Time between suggestion can vary between a few days and several years.
Worrying about the time does not help you at all. Just forget about it.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You suggested your website at much too high a level. That category has no listings and is subcategorised by continent and country. It's description (link towards top right) explains that most websites should be suggested to the most appropriate subcategory. This is also covered in the sticky How to get your site listed FOUR times faster! thread at the top of this forum. It's old, but probably still reasonably correct.

You are not alone in this; there are hundreds of other websites in the same situation in this category which will need to be moved to the correct category for further evaluation (as yours has been). This consumes editorial effort of course, thus contributing to a process slowdown for everybody. It's not a lot of fun either.

This is a volunteer organisation serving surfers and our downstream data users. It does not attempt to provide a service to website owners. This has already been explained many times in this forum so your lack of awareness is unfortunate at best.

Some editors (myself included) cherry pick the pools of websites awaiting evaluation. We look for those that have made at least a token attempt to write a guidelines compliant title (ie company name) and description and give them priority. Those that consist of promotional material better suited to being written on an advertising hoarding (as yours is) will wait longer because they have to be completely rewritten, thus consuming even more editorial effort unnecessarily. There's not a lot of pleasure and satisfaction in that.

Dissing our volunteers in the forum and in your profile doesn't motivate them and will not expedite your case. I ask you to remove the latter comments. If you don't, I will.

Your understanding in this matter will be appreciated.

<added> The OP has now been sent email drawing his attention to this post. </added>
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