You suggested your website at much too high a level. That category has no listings and is subcategorised by continent and country. It's description (link towards top right) explains that most websites should be suggested to the most appropriate subcategory. This is also covered in the sticky
How to get your site listed FOUR times faster! thread at the top of this forum. It's old, but probably still reasonably correct.
You are not alone in this; there are hundreds of other websites in the same situation in this category which will need to be moved to the correct category for further evaluation (as yours has been). This consumes editorial effort of course, thus contributing to a process slowdown for everybody. It's not a lot of fun either.
This is a volunteer organisation serving surfers and our downstream data users. It does not attempt to provide a service to website owners. This has already been explained many times in this forum so your lack of awareness is unfortunate at best.
Some editors (myself included) cherry pick the pools of websites awaiting evaluation. We look for those that have made at least a token attempt to write a guidelines compliant title (ie company name) and description and give them priority. Those that consist of promotional material better suited to being written on an advertising hoarding (as yours is) will wait longer because they have to be completely rewritten, thus consuming even more editorial effort unnecessarily. There's not a lot of pleasure and satisfaction in that.
Dissing our volunteers in the forum and in your profile doesn't motivate them and will not expedite your case. I ask you to remove the latter comments.
If you don't, I will.
Your understanding in this matter will be appreciated.
<added> The OP has now been sent email drawing his attention to this post. </added>