Suggested site not yet available (how to track progress)


Nov 29, 2009
About a month or more ago I suggested a site <URL deleted> but it has not yet appeared in the listing.

How can I track its progress and or take action to get it listed?

(I have just suggested another site <URL deleted> on 26/11/09
& received this notification:
Submission Received

Your site submission has been received.

An editor will review your submission for inclusion in the directory.

Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory,
it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be
listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search,
AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the
data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule.


This gives timings to get to partner sites but does not state when the editor will review it for acceptance to listing. When will the editor review it and can I track this & if so how?).

I look forward to some helpful reply, many thanks


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
The only way to "track progress" is to search for the site on every once in a while to see if it's been listed. You might want to investigate Google Alerts which can do this kind of thing automatically.


Apr 5, 2004
does not state when the editor will review it for acceptance to listing.
That's because nobody knows. :)
All editors are volunteers, and therefore free to spend their editing time in any way they choose, within the bounds of their permissions and the guidelines.

Not only is it impossible to say when an editor might choose to spend time in a particular category, but it is impossible to predict what he or she might do there. Reviewing site suggestions is certainly one of the activities they might undertake, but it is certainly not the only one (or even the most important).

How can I ... take action to get it listed?
You can't. Sites are listed by volunteer editors, and because the ODP is not a listing service, we do not list sites at the request of webmasters. You have suggested your sites for review, which will make it easier for an editor to find them when they next decide to look for worthwhile additions to the category. Thank you. :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.