Suggested site was probably not in the correct category


Feb 20, 2008
Hello all

About 4 months ago i suggested my site and never really thought much more about it. Recently i checked to see if it had been listed, which it had not, so i began searching to find out why.

As i read through the posts on this section i now realize that perhaps the title and description i used could have been better, we are a uk based bricks and mortar business promoting a product that customers know of but struggle to find informative details on.

While reading some threads to gain a better understanding i came across a thread where an editor suggested that it is legitimate to suggest a site under 2 categories, 1 topical and 1 regional.

My question is should i re-submit the original suggestion with more appropriate title and description or just add the regional category with the correct title and description.

Thank you in advance for any good advice you can offer.


Jan 23, 2003
A second suggestion (to both Topical and Regional categories) will not cause the wheels to fall off.

Appreciate you taking the time to do some research and to try and improve the quality of your suggestion. Please remember that when you make your regional suggestion, you should suggest it to where the physical bricks and mortar are neatly stacked, as opposed to wher you market or draw customers from.
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