Suggesting a site question


Jan 17, 2008
My site URL Removed has been active now for almost three years. I have suggested to DMOZ a couple times, but to no avail. I have noticed lately that many people use our site for the VoIP FAQ's, installation, and troubleshooting information that is found. I thought maybe instead of suggesting it for VoIP service, I should suggest it for VoIP installation or troubleshooting, but when I went to DMOZ today to do that, I did not see where I can suggest it. Has the suggest a site changed? When I click on the suggest a site link, it goes to a page that shows suggestion guidelines, and I don't see any editor listings at all on the bottom of the page of each of the results. Has something changed? If someone would advise, it would be greatly appreciated.


Jan 23, 2003
I have suggested to DMOZ a couple times, but to no avail.

If you suggested it at any time in 2007, there is no need to suggest it again. It sounds as though you suggested it to the best or nearly the best category -- in either event you are close. If you are off by a cat or two the editor will move it.


Jan 17, 2008
Boy oh frustrating

Boy Spectregunner if what you say is true, it just seems so frustrating...Almost three years now in waiting with at least one submission a year and still waiting. I was hoping maybe that it was that I had just submitted to the wrong category. In reading all the other questions and comments in the forum, I've tried to look at what it is about my site that isn't as good as the other sites in my chosen category...I know my site does have a commercial aspect to it as do all the other sites in the category I chose, but so many people use my site just for the FAQ's and other informative content, which I don't find on the other sites. It's hard when you know you have something good but have to wait until someone else sees it the way you do.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.