Suggesting a site without been index


Feb 17, 2010
Dear All,

I have try over years to index a site in dmoz without success, i make sure its the right category, right phrase, proper title and description, but nothing at all, i follow a post from a previous forum that says status of submission could be seen on here and found unfortunately that its no more the case.

I also read that its not a good practice to submit a site several times, my first question would be as follows: if submitters cannot see the status of there submission how would they know it has been drop or x or y reason? then how would they know to resubmit it? and obviously what to correct in there submission?

my frustration comes to the fact that over 7years now am struggling to get that website in dmoz, submitting twice a year but still nothing as you may guess, my issue is that competitors get to be listed en-lightening, if the category submitted has much submitters and hard to be reviewed with lots of backlogs how come a new comer get listed almost instantly? base on content quality? most of the people in the industry am taking about are inanimate that we have the best content but very poor listing on search engine and here i come to the fact that the biggest search engine base its popularity links ranking on dmoz, so as a matter of fact one can't expect proper ranking without been listed on dmoz.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
if submitters cannot see the status of there submission how would they know it has been drop or x or y reason? then how would they know to resubmit it? and obviously what to correct in there submission?
You can self check your website's eligibility for a listing by looking at our Guidelines.
Generally, if a website's unlistable, it's because the business model is one that we don't support. No amount of prettifying can fix that.

- If we've declined a website for such reasons, re-suggesting would be a complete waste of your and our time. We don't want you to.
- If we haven't yet evaluated it, re-suggesting it doesn't worry us much because it merely overwrites any earlier one. That could disadvantage you though.
Either way, resuggestions are pointless.

i come to the fact that the biggest search engine base its popularity links ranking on dmoz, so as a matter of fact one can't expect proper ranking without been listed on dmoz.
We don't believe that to be true today. Even if it was true, we can't be held responsible for what our legitimate downstream data users choose to do with our data.

When editors are seeking out websites to build a category, where do you think they find them? Could they use search engines? Could that be why top ranked (whatever that means) websites are often listed in DMOZ? Chicken/Egg.
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