Suggesting a website to web design directory


Aug 21, 2008

I submit a two websites to web design directory around 7 month ago. Does any one know how long it takes in WEB DESIGN directory to check the website?

I think that everything is perfect with dmoz guidelines, one think that it is hard to improve because you really don't know if some one checked your website, and maybe there mistake but again you even will not know about that.

How can I find out if there mistake when i submit or no one checked yet, I think it s a great directory and helping very much to improve SEO, but to get there it's so complicated.

Thank you everyone.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Check the FAQ at which answers your questions about ODP processes.

If there's a mistake in your website, an ODP reviewer will almost certainly not tell you about it. The ODP review only determines whether or where it will be listed in the ODP, and any notes the editor makes will only be for future reference by other editors. (Editors are strongly advised NOT to communicate with website owners; anyone who has ignored this advice will know why that IS the standard advice.)

Suggesting a site to the ODP cannot keep you from getting reviews from someone else, for other reasons. And certainly, suggesting a site to the ODP doesn't mean you have to stop improving it until it's reviewed. (Editors generally can't tell you HOW you CAN improve a site, because we don't know ANYTHING about what you are capable of doing, let alone willing to do.


Aug 21, 2008
Web design directory

Hi everyone,

Does anyone can help me to figure our how to contact web design directory editor. I understand that there rules but to simple ask if the website is in the process or denied is it too big problem ?.

I try to send the email to editor but dmoz showed an error. Is there any way to find out if my website still in the review process, or when do you know that you can resubmit the website. Dmoz is so great directory and so many search engines take data from dmoz, that it so important to be there.

I would love to find out maybe I submit incorrectly and will make proper changes to title and etc but who do I have to ask in Dmoz?

Thank you, I do appreciate your time.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Does anyone can help me to figure our how to contact web design directory editor.

No. There is no single person who has that as an "assignment." There are many people who have "permissions" to work there. Most of them usually choose to work somewhere else. So there's no way of figuring out who'll be the NEXT person to work there, or what they plan to do.

to simple ask if the website is in the process or denied is it too big problem ?.

Yes, absolutely, it is a problem. That's why we stopped answering that question here: see the FAQ.

Is there any way to find out if my website still in the review process, ...

No. But for practical purposes, it really doesn't matter.

... or when do you know that you can resubmit the website.

You can resubmit it, once, according to the submittal policy. When you decide to use your one resubmittal is up to you.

Since over 99% of the time it really doesn't matter when you resubmit, there's really no point in wasting any resources trying to find the "best" time.


Aug 21, 2008
Design Directory

Thank you for so quick replay.

I have one more question, when you saying that 99% it doesn't matter , is that mean that if my website was not approved or denied I don't have any chances to be submitted to dmoz ever :) ?

Please advice, I would be really appreciate.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The source of the statistic is this: in my experience, if a suggestion is rejected, at least 99% of the time the suggested website was not listable WHEN IT WAS REVIEWED.

The website might become listable later: for instance, if unique content were added to it. But, in my experience, this doesn't happen very often either. Most people who really create unique content, will create at least some of it BEFORE they start promoting the site.

Suppose someone suggested a site, then realized it really didn't have much unique information, and decided to add a LOT of additional content? My advice would be: Add the content, then suggest it again, with a comment in brackets in the suggested description. Something like "[New content added: complete works of Shakespeare translated into Tadzhik rhymed couplets"]


Aug 21, 2008
web design directory


Thank you very much for you help. So great answer.

I will use your advice.

have wonderful day,


Aug 21, 2008
Contacting web design directory editor ?

Hi everyone,

I submit a website one time a yea ago to dmoz, after one year I posted a question here and was asking about some information how to submit second time and make notes that the website is changed, basically updated.

I submit with marks [website updated], to proper web design directory, carefully read FAQ before I submit. I try to send a message to editor of the web design full services directory but no response what so ever. Maybe there no editor at all.

Please help me to submit the website or at least find out if there any issue with our website. What is the best way to contact directory editor?

Thank you everyone.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
webika said:
I submit a website one time a yea ago to dmoz, after one year I posted a question here and was asking about some information how to submit second time and make notes that the website is changed, basically updated.
Thanks for suggesting a website. We will look at the suggestion, but we can't predict when this will be.

I try to send a message to editor of the web design full services directory but no response what so ever. Maybe there no editor at all.
There is totaly no need to send a message to an editor. We will not favor any website. So asking for such a favor is not needed. We also advised editors not to answer emails from people asking about their website. We have had to many bad experiences in the past.

Please help me to submit the website or at least find out if there any issue with our website. What is the best way to contact directory editor?
You already suggested the website. That is all that you can do and also all that is needed to be done.
Do not suggest it again (this can influence the time before review, it might make it longer).
Do not contact any editor, there is no need to do so.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The only way you can communicate with the RIGHT volunteer editor is to suggest a site. (The right editor is, of course, the one who chooses to review site suggestions in that category. And neither you nor we can possibly know who that will turn out to be.)

But any competent website promoter (SEO, SERP perp, whatever they call themselves) should be able to look at your site and see whether it has any issues. Or you can even do it yourself.

Just browse around the website. Ask, "if this website dropped into the abyss, what significant aspect of human culture would be lost?"

Obviously the bar for "significance" isn't high: one individual's perspective on life, or what a particular person or group of people working together (that is, a "business") would do for money, or what a particular community does together for some reason other than money....

All websites are personal, if you think of communities as having personalities of a sort. If a person or community is significant in real life, he/they can communicate that significance on the web.


Sep 30, 2007
Just a quick idea spelled out.

I assume the dmoz editor team has a central database where all suggested web sites are stored, including information if the web site was rejected and if rejected, a little note why so. Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple form somewhere on your site where you can find out if your suggested web site has been reviewed already, and if rejected for what reasons. When I read all the comments about this here in the forum and start feeling what a crucial question that is for some I just think it would be something worth considering.




Apr 5, 2004
I assume the dmoz editor team has a central database where all suggested web sites are stored, including information if the web site was rejected and if rejected, a little note why so.
Perhaps you have deduced this from things you have read, but I'm afraid it is not quite right.

When someone suggests a site, they are asked to choose the single most appropriate category, so it wouldn't make much sense for the suggestion to then go into a huge pile with all the others. ;)

You can read all about the process here: "What Happens After I Submit my Site to DMOZ?".


Sep 30, 2007
Oh I was just guessing without having investigated, so thanks for the link which is very informative.

Of course the huge pile (database) I thought of would have a "suggested category" field :eek:

I have written a dmoz/delicious mashup over the last months and by that it is just interesting to compare these two approaches to organize web sites and their interaction with their community. While the big strength of dmoz is for sure the fact that every single entry is reviewed carefully it seems to me that the whole interaction between editor and people who suggest web sites could be made more transparent. While of course dmoz shouldn't try to be another delicious - what a great lost would that be - the community aspect could be made a bit more fun I think, particular by making the suggestion process more transparent. And I still can't see that this could be a technical problem but of course I don't know how things are set up technically internally.

If we look at it as it is now there is basically not much of an interaction, you submit a site into this big question mark and the only feedback which might occur is that the site is actually listed. For people for whom being listed or not is really crucial it is even a bit brutal I would say

To make that clear, my remarks here are not at all meant to criticize or claim any user rights. It is really meant as ideas in which direction dmoz could go. I personally greatly benefit from the dmoz directory and all the great work the volunteers do so there is for sure a personally interested that this service stays as vivid as possible. And I really think it could become even more dynamic while keeping its distinguish high reviewed quality aspect.

Thanks and all the best



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> it seems to me that the whole interaction between editor and people who suggest web sites could be made more transparent.
Why? How would this be of benefit for DMOZ, the DMOZ editors or our users? It wouldn't.
Notice that people who suggest websites are not our users.

> the community aspect could be made a bit more fun I think
> particular by making the suggestion process more transparent.
It is very transparant. Just read everything that is written by DMOZ and its editors and you can know how we process suggestions and which kind of websites we will list. What more do you want.

> And I still can't see that this could be a technical problem
It is not a technical problem. Technicaly it can be solved. We just have not found a good reason to spend our limit resources. We prefer to spend these resources on improvements for the editors and our users.

> If we look at it as it is now there is basically not much of an interaction,
> you submit a site into this big question mark and the only feedback which
> might occur is that the site is actually listed.
That seems enough for me.
Websites which are rejected should not have been suggested at all as the person who suggested the website violated our guidelines, there is no need to tell them they have been caught (and often caught again).
All other websites are either listed or waiting review. No need to tell anybody. You can see if it is listed and if it is not listed it is still waiting.

> For people for whom being listed or not is really crucial
Heh. A DMOZ listing being crucial for anybody. You must be speaking of a completely different DMOZ.
It is very easy: If a DMOZ listing would be crucial for a website that website is not worth listing. A website must be able to survive by its own and the efforts of its owners. It can never survive on the efforts of other people, certainly not a bunch of hobbiest who like to catalog websites in thier spare time.

> It is really meant as ideas in which direction dmoz could go.
These 'ideas' have been posted so often that it gets boring to explain that the problem you are trying to solve does not exist in DMOZ.


Sep 30, 2007
Hi pvgool,

I don't say the wonderful dmoz has a problem, I just think it could be more dynamic, influential, transparent, fun, community enriched etc
But if dmoz answers Why? then of course I will stop

(a dmoz user and site submitter, occasionally ;))


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
martin.dudek said:
I don't say the wonderful dmoz has a problem,
OK, but if there is no problem why do you present a solution.
In my working days in IT I met many consultants with the most beautifull solutions. We only had to find the problems to use these solutions. I myself prefer the other way around, if there is a problem find a solution. :cool:

> I just think it could be more
dynamic - from the inside DMOZ is very dymanic
influential - many people already think we are to influencial
transparent - we are as transparant as possible
fun - it certainly is fun, else I wouldn't be an editor for 8 years
community enriched - it is a very strong community with many nice and interesting people from all around the world

I don't say there aren't any problems in DMOZ. It would be rediculous to asume there aren't any. But these problems are completely different than most people outside DMOZ think.


Sep 30, 2007
Wonderful, I complete agree.

So this is just for the sake of joyful Sunday debate now. When we look at the number of posts you find here in the forum of people who are desperate to find out why their submitted web site is not included in dmoz directory listing, we have to say these people have a problem, justified or not. Since these beings are interacting with dmoz then I would say if they have a problem dmoz has a problem, since the problem of whomever we are interacting with should be also our problem. And for me transparency is the supreme solution since it is knowledge which really pacifies and it looks like many people ask for more transparency (was the site already reviewed, for what reason it was rejected). And it seems it wouldn't be a big deal to offer it. This was my whole point initially, sorry for bubbling too much around on top of that.
I personally like to talk about creative ways to improve rather than problems to be solved. But since I am not a dmoz editor I guess I should better look at my own problems, I mean my own creative ways to improve myself.

Happy Sunday



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
When we look at the number of posts you find here in the forum of people who are desperate to find out why their submitted web site is not included in dmoz directory listing, we have to say these people have a problem, justified or not.
And if these people only took the time to read the DMOZ guidelines, the FAQ at RZ and the many times we have answered the same question they would know the answer.

Since these beings are interacting with dmoz then I would say if they have a problem dmoz has a problem, since the problem of whomever we are interacting with should be also our problem.
The problem is only theirs, they are not seeing the solution that has been offered.

And for me transparency is the supreme solution since it is knowledge which really pacifies and it looks like many people ask for more transparency (was the site already reviewed, for what reason it was rejected).
For honest webmaster this is a non-question. They have created honest websites and suggested it to DMOZ after reading and understanding the guidelines. As a result they only suggested listable websites to DMOZ. So they know the answer: their website is either listed or waiting review. Any person can see if a website is listed. So any person can know when such a website is still waiting review. No questions need to be asked and no answers can be given that are not already known.
For the not so honest webmasters. Well we are not going to tell them we have found one of their non listable websites.

I personally like to talk about creative ways to improve rather than problems to be solved.
OK, here is a real problem.
People are not able or not willing to read the many answers that have been given to their imaginable problem. Solve this problem and we will be happy.

But since I am not a dmoz editor I guess I should better look at my own problems, I mean my own creative ways to improve myself.
It is always better to look within your own circle of influence.


Sep 30, 2007
OK, here is a real problem.
People are not able or not willing to read the many answers that have been given to their imaginable problem. Solve this problem and we will be happy.
Oh I think a solution for that would be the web evolution step of the year :rolleyes: Looking forward to it myself
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