Suggesting our Site to Right Category


New Member
Aug 7, 2010
Hello DMOZ.Org Representative,

Firstly thank you for taking the time out of life to volunteer to help out the truly dedicated online communities. My staff and I also volunteer our time to the All Experts Forum Community in the Animal/Pets/Pet Fish Section and many others, so I know first hand how much work you must do. I can only imagine the questions load you must receive on a daily basis.

My question is the this: Our Orange County Reef Aquatics (retail pet related website) is an Ecommerce site, however we also collect donations for worldwide reef conservation and we also offer aqua-cultured corals, this puts less demand on wild caught corals around the world. We've noticed, that these are attributes that other websites do not offer, that would fall in the same DMOZ category as our website. Should we still submit to the same category as these others? An example of another website that falls in the same category as us, that is already listed in DMOZ, but that doesn't collect reef conservation donations would be the website relating to the name MarineandReef.

In conclusion I believe we would submit our site to a category something along the lines of the following below:

Shopping: Pets: Fish: Supplies: Hardware: Live Goods: Aquariums: Conservation

or would it simply be:

Shopping: Pets: Fish: Supplies

Thank you for your time, any help you can give on our above forum posting would be greatly appreciated.

With Kind Regards,
OCReef - Staff&Owner


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Suggest your website to what you think is the best category. If during review an editor thinks it could better be listed elsewhere he will move the website to that category,.

Note: Shopping is only for websites that sell stuff over the internet. If you only sell through a brick-and-mortar shop the website will be listed within Regional in the city the shop is located in.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Sorry but this forum is only for questions related to DMOZ.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.