Suggestion on my submission


Jun 27, 2006
I have submitted my site long back to a correct category (as of I knowaccording to my business). But sites which were registered and not relevent to the same category are listed. The category I am trying is "". I know this category is commercial and it is hard to get my site listed. But only this category will best fit to my site. For more information, my site is <url removed> and we are clearly a game developer for mobile platform. Some people who are not developers nor publishers are listed. Let me know if I am wrong somewhere, or a competitor is the editor of that category. :(


Jan 23, 2003
If you have only suggested your site once, you are welcome to suggest it a second time.

If you have already suggested it more than once, then there is no need to suggest it again.

Since more than 200 editors can edit in any given category, I can state with absolute assurance that not all of them are your competitors. Odds are, none of them are. Even if they were, that does not mean they would act in an unethical manner.


Jun 27, 2006
Yes, I have submitted my site more than once, for the past 6 months. Every time I see there is an edit in that category I submit my site again considering my site was rejected. And on a total I should have submitted more than 5 times. But never got listed. :( And I just want to make sure if my site seems to be irrelevent to the category. And since there is no reply usually, I couldnt judge for it. Can you help me where have I went wrong? I am sorry if I am out of this forum rules. If so, please regret this last question.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Every time I see there is an edit in that category I submit my site again considering my site was rejected.
There is no reason to assume that! There's a lot of reasons why the "last edited" date at the bottom of a category page is changed:

* An editor fixed a typo in one of the listed descriptions
* An editor added a couple of sites that were suggested but didn't have time to look at the rest of the suggested sites
* An editor moved a site from this category to another one (or from another category to this one)
* The category description was changed
* An automated tool went through the category looking for dead links
* ...and several other possible reasons

If your site belongs in a different category, the editor will move it there for review. If it is waiting in a category and you suggest it again to the same category, the new suggestion will overwrite the previous one, making it look like you only just suggested it. Not a problem as such -- but if the editor looks at suggested sites in date order (which some do) yours will stay at the bottom of the list if you keep re-suggesting it. So to summarise: Suggesting your site again will not make a review happen faster, but it is very likely to make it take longer.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Every time I see there is an edit in that category I submit my site again considering my site was rejected.
OK, and here is the second part of the answer: If your site was reviewed and rejected, there was probably a good reason for it. (Accidental and abusive rejections happen, but they are a small percentage compared to the guidelines-compliant rejections). If you supposed that your site had been found unlistable in the directory, why would you suggest it again?


Jun 27, 2006
I dont think it is unlistable compared to others in the same category. I mean my site is a bit professional and no one can say its not listable in this category. But I am just asking you if there is any particular reason for my site being rejected. Also since there is no status checker for site submission, I still have to wait. The reason for submitting many times was my misunderstanding with the date last edited. Thanks for the info about Last edit date. :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
But I am just asking you if there is any particular reason for my site being rejected.
Just to clarify:

We won't give status reports here.
We won't tell you if your website has been declined.
We won't tell you what if anything is wrong with your website.

Now, is there anything else that we can help you with?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.